Digital Description: Field Notes

  • At first glace the website looks professional but simple enough that a person can navigate it easily
  • Off the bat I can tell the school colors are green and white, with a hint of blue.
  • As I navigate the site I see the
    • the president
    • different departments at the school diverse student: black, white,Asian, and so on
    • there is also an equal amount of women and men shown
    • there weren’t much older people unless they headed a department
  • The search bar at the top of the page is a very good one. I typed in president for example and all the information on the president of the university appeared.
  • the colors in this are pretty sable
  • green is the main color and blue is in the background.
    • the only time there is a various in color is when they want people apply to the college
      • when that is the case it is in yellow.
  • All in all, this is a great site. If someone wanted to find out information about ggc it would be easy for them to do so.