Digital Recording: Exterior
Color is Everywhere! Color is Beauty!
February 9 , pm Walking up Ellis Street to Peachtree Street the buildings on the walk up are old there is actually a homeless shelter on the left of the street Intersection of Peachtree Street and Ellis As soon as you get to Peachtree Street you can tell High buildings Busy traffic a lot of … Continue reading Field Notes: Exterior
ZYBACZYNSKI, Veronica Maria. Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions / Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii , 2014, Vol. 5 Issue 4, p87-92, 6p. Publisher: National Research & Development Institute URBAN-INCERC. This article puts an emphasis on the importance of preserving color and the effects that it has on the local environment. Local color is the most important aspect. Green defines … Continue reading Annotated Bibliography 1, 2, 3
I’ve tried accessing the site to check my points in class a few times, but for some reason I can’t figure it out. I may be going to the wrong site. What is the name of the site that we can go to access points?
I am excited to begin my journey through this English class. I have never made a Blog before and am super excited to make my first. I hope this blog and class furthers my knowledge, because knowledge is power.
Today’s society forces people to feel the need to define and categorize everyone into groups. The group that is discriminated against and misunderstood the most is the homeless population. In the Tapestry of Space Nersessova focuses on the homeless population and many different elements of the homelessness as a whole. She raises questions in the … Continue reading Reading Summary One: Tapestry of Space: Domestic Architecture and Underground Communities in Margaret Morton’s Photography of a Forgotten New York