Auditions are Tuesday, September 3 by appointment only beginning at 6:00 p.m.(with call backs Wednesday, September 4) in the Cole Auditorium, Fine Arts Building Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston Campus, 3735 Memorial College Ave., Clarkston 30021.
3 women, to play ages 18 – 45, and 4 men, to play ages 18 – 60.
All ethnicities, genders and abilities are encouraged to audition.
Please be familiar with the play!
For the audition:
Prepare a 1-minute comedic monologue from a play. You may be asked to do cold readings from the script. A headshot and resume are helpful, but not required.
About the play:
A modern translation of a play written in 1723, this comedy about a princess who must dress as a man to win the prince of her dreams uses delicious deception, gender confusions, and a world of complexities to reveal the beauty, absurdities and bittersweet nature of love. The language is magnificent and the characters fascinating including Marivaux’s adaptation of the witty idiot Harlequin.
“This is the greatest play that Shakespeare and Moliere never wrote.” – American Theatre
The show will run October 25 – November 3, 2019 in the Cole Auditorium, Clarkston Campus.
Rehearsals will begin September 9. Rehearsals generally run Mon – Fri evening with weekend tech rehearsals. Details at the audition.
For an audition appointment: email tagtix@gsu.edu or call 678-891-3572
Please DO NOT email resume/headshot
This is a college/community theatre production. No pay is involved.