A commonplace book is used to write down information, quotes, and findings about a topic. It often includes pictures and clippings in the modern day. Rhetoricians memorized arguments that they could change to fit a specific topic. These arguments were called “commonplaces.” In the middle ages people began to keep these books for quotes, ideas, and thoughts about topics of interest to them. More information about commonplace books can be found in Georgia State’s Guide to First Year Writing (5th edition) on page 31-32.
I will be making a commonplace book for English. It will include things learned in class as well as things seen outside of class that may pertain to the class and any ideas for blogs I may think of or any ideas I have. It will also have random doodles to help liven it up a bit so that it is more interesting.
Here is the cover page and the first of the notes I have put in it. This book will make note-taking and studying much more enjoyable. I will keep you updated throughout the semester to see the progress,