Bio (About me)
Since I was a kid I’ve always loved drawing and being outdoors and exploring. I went through many career options growing up. First, I wanted to be a professional artist to express my creativity, but I realized making a living off art alone can be difficult. I then wanted to be a doctor to help people, but then I realized I get queasy at the sight of blood. I also wanted to work for NASA because I’ve always been fascinated by what could be out there and I’m pretty good at math and find science interesting. Thing this is though, working as an engineer at NASA would literally be rocket science. I finally concluded Marketing and Business is the right career choice for me because I get to use all my skills and interests.
I hope to take my experience from my past jobs and from all that I’ve learned in school to do market research. I am skilled in Excel, Word and PowerPoint and love gathering data and studying trends. I am also interested in the arts such as fashion, dance and writing. I would consider myself a fashion designer as I like to experiment with fashion and practice my own art skills. I sell my own designs online while studying buyer behavior and using marketing strategies. I sell on different apps and get only 5 star reviews.
Overall I really like the world of business and find it very exciting. Business is something that has been around me growing up and I feel business is part of everything we do. I’m interested not only in how business is conducted in the U.S but other countries as well and how it all relates. This is something else that led me to choosing my major is the fact that I want to be able to explore the world around me.