Block D: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
CWC (Conversations with Community), F15 (Focus 15), F45 (Focus 45)
CWC: Teach me football, I will teach you soccer. Multicultural cooperation between co-teachers:– room 002B The focus lately has been on the diversity of students within urban schools, but how can the diversity of teachers be used as teaching tools? In this session, we are discussing how we use our personal backgrounds within the classroom and how your culture can be used in the classroom.
Bailey Kirk, Aneta Galazka, Georgia State University
CWC: Re-Defining Black Males Success – From College to Career: Narratives from Recent Black Male College Graduates:– room 002C A recent 2018 study from Researchers at Harvard University, Stanford University and the Census Bureau concluded “that Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of millions of children.” White boys who grow up rich are likely to remain that way. Black boys raised at the top, however, are more likely to become poor than to stay wealthy in their own adult households. With this new study’s conclusion, what tools and networks can we build in urban education, the college level and throughout society to challenge and support our young black men to become successful economically in their life and their careers.This panel of young black Georgia State University and Morehouse graduates will explore their own narratives of completing college and entering the job market, and the obstacles that they continue to face to become economically self-sufficient in the United States of America.
George Greenidge, Jeffrey Coleman, Joseph Peterson, Deirdre Royster, Michael Williams, Said Sewell, Illya Davis, Georgia State University and Morehouse College
F15: Oscillating Visibility: Facilitating the Success of a Secondary Student with Autism in a Summer Program:– room 002A Follow one teacher’s journey toward providing appropriate support for a high school student with autism, handling major issues that arose along the way, and considerations for continuing to expand ways in which educational spaces both in and out of formal school settings can be designed to foster inclusion.
Olivia Wheat, Georgia State University
F15: Humanization and the Language of Pedagogical Love: Making Paulo Freire Visible in P-12 Urban Education: – room 002AThis theory to practice narrative makes Freire’s humanizing approach grounded in pedagogical love visible. It is cognitively uplifting, knowledge creating, and transformative; emerging from critical social justice traditions of Horkheimer’s Frankfurt School of theorists. It empowers and educates all learners—including urban students and teachers-as-learners in its two-way educational approach.
Charmaine Smith-Campbell, Mercer University
F45: Lessons from a Mexican Youth Prison: Toward Liberation of Teachers and Youth: – room 041 How do we create and liberate in the spaces where society would rather not look? This presentation shows the collaborative, problem-posing weekly teaching of English in a Mexican youth prison with Mexican pre-service English teachers. Practical ideas for education in the U.S. are shared from the work.
Sue Kasun, Georgia State University