Concurrent Sessions-Block A

Block A: 9:30-10:30 a.m.


CWC (Conversations with Community), F15 (Focus 15), F45 (Focus 45)

CWC: Alonzo A. Crim Center and the Community of Believers – room OO2C

CWC: #BlackTeachersMatter: A Call for Collective Learning and Liberatory Pedagogy:room 002B The purpose of this session is to highlight the lived experiences of Black pre-service teachers who are members of #BlackTeachersMatter. Undergraduate students will lead a discussion about how their processes of engaging collectively is key in their journeys of thinking more critically about their experiences in order to become more informed and engaged in liberatory pedagogy.

Jillian Ford, Natasha Thornton, Precious Brown, Whitney Lott, Cierra Cooper, Tamera Tillman, Renard Snell, Kennesaw State University

F15: Teacher visibility in urban education: Complexifying the role of educator in an essentializing social context: – room 002A Ten urban teacher leaders make visible the complexity and contribution of their vocation through their personal metaphors for teaching as active personal and social change. Together, they challenge essentializing public discourses around teaching and teachers which have negatively impacted teacher recruitment, satisfaction, and retention.

Teresa R. Fisher-Ari, Phani Duggirala, Amber Heath, Esther J. Kim, Desmond Lee, Jillian Lee, Pam Liu, Jeanette Nicol, Lawrence Robinson, Amy Sery, Christine Young, Georgia State University

F45: Discomfort, Resistance and Othering: A Poetic Inquiry into Urban Teacher Preparation Program Redesign: room 041This study examines the complexities of designing a teacher education program (TEP) that is linguistically and culturally appropriate and responsive to a majority non-white student population in public schools. This paper is a reflective analysis of the experiences of three Black female doctoral students and a White female professor as they develop, discuss, and grapple with the process of redesigning a TEP.

Shaneeka Favors-Welch, Adrian Neely, Glenda Mason Chisholm, Stephanie Behm Cross, Georgia State University- room 041

Workshop: Why Young People Take Social Action: Self-Determination and Youth Activism:  – room 304 At the forefront of the greatest historical social movements are teens and young adults, bold enough to take a stand, hopeful enough that their voices could make a difference. In this session, I discuss a theory that might explain the spirit and motivation of young people who push for change.

Pamela Larde, Mercer University