What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.
- Reading Annotations (3, 300-600 points)
- Annotated Bibliography (10 annotations, 250-500 points)
- Built Environment Descriptions (3, one each for historical, cultural, and political features of a site, 300-600 points)
- Built Environment Analysis (1, 300-600 points)
- link: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Projects
How will your final grade be calculated?
~My final grade is calculated through completion of all four major projects, and other things such as coming to class, working in study groups, and turning in other minor work for extra credit.
What is the “submission form” and how do you use it? Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).
~The submission form is how I submit assignments to Dr. Wharton for review and credit, and I can go on her website to use it.
Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.
course calendar: <iframe src=”https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?mode=AGENDA&height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&src=lcetjch6shvisuqe68cdh7sse8%40group.calendar.google.com&color=%2328754E&ctz=America%2FNew_York” style=”border-width:0″ width=”800″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>
weekly overview: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1agWDEof0cADQlReq51d5u_En4bNGomFfctszyAbrzPc/edit?pref=2&pli=1
Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit?
~Under “calendar”, there is a “units overview” button. This leads to the part of the website that describes the readings and when they are due.
What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week?
~Click on “weekly overview” under “calendar”.
What is the attendance policy?
~I must attend class in order to receive credit. Of course, this does not include sick days, or other excused absences. I get credit for work done, and work missed leads to a deduction of points.
What are the two ways you can lose points?
~Missing class and missing assignments leads to point deduction.
What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of class?
~Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9-11 am. Contact via email to schedule an appointment.
How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for participation.
~I can earn participation credit by engaging in creative ways through technology and by communicating with my peers.
~link: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Plan||Participation|1
How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?
~I can earn up to 25 points by organizing/participating in a study group.
How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?
~An “A” is automatically given if I earn 2,800 points.
What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?
~To earn a “C”, that means I attended all classes except 4, turned in all the group projects, and came to class prepared.
What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?
~In order to receive points for work, the work must be recorded and submitted in the submission form.
What are the Unit 1 readings and which one would you like to annotate for Reading Annotation 1?
- Thomas Carter and Elizabeth Collins Cromley, “Introduction,” from Invitation to Vernacular Architecture.
- James Deetz, “Parting Ways,” fromIn Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life.
- Stephanie Fitzgerald, “The Cultural Work of a Mohegan Painted Basket,” from Early Native Literacies in New England: A Documentary and Critical Anthology.
- I was assigned to annotate Reading Annotation 2
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