Archive for October, 2016

Political Ad 2016


In this Republican campaign video published around March, Trump appears in a very favorable light. The video begins by introducing all different kinds of people who work with their hands and do good things for themselves and their communities. It then shows a caption of Trump talking about his own hands and how if they […]

Built Environment Description 2


The Atlanta Beltline was built to serve a culture, but it has also formed its own in turn. The Beltline and all its areas were originally a way to give old spaces new life, and it certainly has. Connecting many major parks restaurants, markets, and other resources makes the Beltline a place at the service […]

Artifact 1


I thought this was a great portrayal of how the environment has formed in expectation of people’s needs, or perhaps in response to people being on the Beltline. Many people bring their dogs with them when they walk the Beltline, and so it has become necessary for their to be resources available for when dogs […]

Artifact 2


When I first saw this, I thought about how interesting it was that so many diverse pictures were on the Atlanta Beltline. Even though this was a photography project, I wondered if there was some larger meaning to it. It seems a lot of the pictures are unrelated, seemingly put together randomly with no overarching […]

Artifact 3


This camera is found under another bridge much less decorated than the one where the tiny door is located. Apparently it had a hand attached to it, like someone was coming out of the rock to take a picture of the people walking by. The hand broke off however, so now it is just a […]

Artifact 4


Along the Eastside Trail there are various “Tiny Doors.” When my friend first pointed this door out to me, I thought it was so cute, and it made me curious as to why it was made. I was told later that they are made for a purpose, not just for art. This one is located […]

Artifact 5


I thought this picture was so important, literally history in the making. In the center, the one with white hair, is Ryan Gravel, the former Georgia Tech student with the original idea of the Beltline as it is now and what it will be. He accompanied us for part of the tour that my teachers […]

Midterm Study Session


After our perspectives class on Wednesday, September 28th, many of our classmates got together to discuss the second part of the midterm that is due this upcoming Wednesday. We had just completed and turned in our 10 page paper, but now we have to complete 4 out of 8 long answer questions. During our meet […]

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