Midterm Study Session



After our perspectives class on Wednesday, September 28th, many of our classmates got together to discuss the second part of the midterm that is due this upcoming Wednesday. We had just completed and turned in our 10 page paper, but now we have to complete 4 out of 8 long answer questions. During our meet up in the honors college  we wrote out the main ideas or points that we could use to help answer the questions, and therefore ended up creating our own outline for the midterm. Someone typed up all of our notes on a google doc to share with the class, as we are allowed to collaborate on this assignment. It was really helpful for all of us to start brainstorming and get started a little early on this project. We now have something to base our work upon, and it is beneficial for not only those who were there for the original meet up, but anyone can see the google doc and edit it if they desire.

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