On a very windy Saturday night I was walking to the Georgia Aquarium from the Southeast end of Baker Street. As I was approaching my site I could already see the illuminating lights of the building. The Georgia Aquarium is located on 225 Baker St NW, Atlanta, GA 30313. The first thing that caught my eye of course were the lights from the building. The lights highlighted this giant blue G. Its structure was in the shape of a fish. The giant G is surrounded by this lighted transparent blue glass structure. On the side going past the giant G, the building has sharp pointed tip at the top. It looks like the mouth of a sword fish. I observed the big orange letters that spelled the Georgia Aquarium. They were sitting on top of a light grey oval- shaped structure. Located on the legs of the oval structure were light posts. Sitting on the light grey concrete were many dark grey concrete circle shaped plant pots that were holding this different plants. I also noticed that the Aquarium was being gated by rails that went around the entire building.

Photo Credit~ Scatia Anderson
As I walked around to the front entrance of the Georgia Aquarium I noticed all these beautiful trees. They were placed into different sections of the open- spaced entrance. The trees were surrounded by a concrete curb to hold the plants in the place. I also noticed that there was a directory for people who needed to buy tickets and who had already purchased the tickets. The lines were sectioned off by these retractable line dividers. If you look to the bottom right of the image you can see a caucasian lady smoking a cigarette.You can still the still see the emblem of the Georgia Aquarium, the giant G. The trees were blocking most of the transparent glass building. The banner on the right of the building was appealing to the aquarium’s ethos. The banner says “#1 in US”. I researched it and they stand corrected. The Georgia Aquarium is the biggest and the best aquarium in the United States.