- My group and I came up with the purpose of this blog which is as follows.
- Purpose- In depth personal experiences at hot spots in Atlanta.
- We split up the list of website contributors in fours.

- Came up with a theme. Our background is going to be a map.
- We will also use Divi to design our website.
- Assigned Sam Wicker to the Group Log
Time Spent: 1 hr
11/4/16- Thoroughly read all my designated website authors. Found a couple of blog posts that I was interested in.
Key Notes:
- Shehab’s Personal Site Response: Atlanta Zoo– Needs some more images. Change the title. Definitely Using.
- Personal Site Response Football Hall of Fame– Photos need to be in between the text. Might consider using.
- Varisty Personal Site Response and Conversation Piece – Considered Using for the blog… Good response. Might have to change the category to Conversation Pieces.
- Personal Site Response for Centennial Olympic Park– Definitely Using
Time Spent: 1 hour and a half
11/6/16- Picked back off from where I left off.
- Personal Site Response Atlantic Station– Might use. Needs to separate in different posts
- Personal Site Response Auburn Curb Market– Definitely Using
- Atlanta Zoo Personal Response– Need to use these photos or just use these post.
Time Spent: 2 hours
- Changed our purpose- To provide personal observations and reflections of built environments in Atlanta.
- Established our Audience: Potential visitors to Atlanta or spaces in Atlanta new to visitors.
- Came Up with a Thesis/message: i.e. The built environment of Atlanta connects people to a deep sense of history and people get to see Atlanta through the millenniums view.
- Reviewed the blogs we liked and didn’t like.
- Came up with different categories for the blogs
- Created a Google Doc and a new deadline: Wednesday November 6, 2016
11/16/16 –
- Review Google Doc and look at Honor’s College blog posts.
- Anna Rose sent email to the ENGL1102 students to see if they were interested.
- http://sites.gsu.edu/ssharman1/2016/10/15/lantern-parade/
- Underground Atlanta http://sites.gsu.edu/asnyder7/2016/09/22/pryor-street-sign/
- Needs more description http://sites.gsu.edu/asnyder7/2016/09/27/dancing-bear-statue/
- Needs more description http://sites.gsu.edu/asnyder7/2016/09/27/civil-war-era-lamp-post/
- Needs Images http://sites.gsu.edu/nskinner2/2016/09/23/built-environment-description-1-historic-fourth-ward-park-history-and-design/
- Interior of the Tabernacle add proper photo citations http://sites.gsu.edu/nbritton1/2016/09/25/artifact-1-art/
- http://sites.gsu.edu/nbritton1/2016/09/25/artifact-2/
- http://sites.gsu.edu/nbritton1/2016/09/25/artifact-3-exposed-walls/
Time Spent: 1 hr
- Move photo and add citation http://sites.gsu.edu/hwhately1/2016/10/12/apex-museum-cultural-bed/
- Add citation http://sites.gsu.edu/nbritton1/2016/10/16/147/
- Added the Honor’s Blogs that I choose to the Google Doc List.
- I pitched the idea to categorize the blog post by via North, south, east, west or Midtown, Downtown, West side, east side, south
- Highlighted the students from the google Doc who emailed Anna back.
- Decided that we would start working on creating the website on Friday. November 17, 2016.
- Emailed Prof.A on how to display the student’s work on the website
- Started editing the blogs that emailed us back.
- Started working on the infrastructure of the website.
- Continued to work on the infrastructure of the website.
- Decided to change the theme to Gridster-Lite – Easier to use than Divi
- Edited and added posts to the website.
- Re-established our Audience to just students
- Added content/ description for the different pages
- Also added links and photos under the pages for that certain category.
- Added individual bios to the site of the creators