My Turner Field Experience

Now that Turner Field in Atlanta, Ga is being closed I feel like I need to tell my experience of the infamous stadium. How cliche of me I know. My Turner field experience was probably a little different from yours. Now that I think about it I never really been to a Braves baseball game. How ironic since I was born and raised in Atlanta. I grew up in single-parent household. My mom faced a lot of challenges because my father wasn’t there financially and sometimes even physically. Now that I have gave you a little background on my life. Lets get to the story.

It was hot day in July and my father wanted to spend some time with my brother and I was 8 going to 3rd grade the following school year. My mother agreed because we haven’t seen him since my birthday in February. My mom dropped us off and In my mind I’m thinking that I get to go to my 1st baseball game. Boy was I wrong. I distinctively remember hearing my father yelling ” I got tickets, tickets right here”. I was just a little girl I didn’t understand what he was doing. He was scalping tickets just to make some money. My father grew up in Summerhill Community. They didn’t have the best infrastructure.There were no “good” schools, there was a lot of drugs and crime. My father didn’t have a lot of opportunities to better himself. He was trapped by the infrastructure of Metro Atlanta for low-income families. He did what he thought he knew was right. My father once said “You can take the boy out the hood but you can’t take the hood out the boy”. 

On that day I saw a black man struggle to get cash. I saw my father struggle for cash because he felt like he had no other option. I started to see the world differently that day. I saw the struggles of a black man who has strikes and has too many kids. 

3,254 thoughts on “My Turner Field Experience

  1. Reflections of a Day: Moments Worth Remembering

    Today was filled with little joys—a warm cup of coffee that sparked a smile, a friendly nod from a stranger, and the laughter shared with friends. Each moment, seemingly insignificant, wove a beautiful tapestry of memories that I will cherish. It’s the small things that often leave the biggest impressions on our hearts.

  2. Reflections of a Day: Exploring My Thoughts in English

    Today was a tapestry of moments, each thread woven with emotion. I savored the quiet beauty of the morning, the gentle laughter shared with friends, and the lessons learned through challenges. Each experience shaped my thoughts, reminding me of the intricate dance of life. At day’s end, I find peace in the reflection, grateful for every heartbeat that paints my story.

  3. Reflections of a Day: My Journey in English Learning

    Today, I took a step back to reflect on my English learning journey. Every new word learned and every conversation practiced feels like a milestone. I remember the struggles—mispronunciations, grammar mistakes—but each challenge taught me resilience. My confidence grows with every small success, and I am grateful for the friends and resources that support me. Each day brings me closer to fluency, and I look forward to the adventures that language will open for me.

  4. A warm sun bathed the landscape in golden light, as laughter echoed through the air. The flowers bloomed vibrantly, painting the earth with colors, while a gentle breeze whispered sweet secrets. It was a day that felt timeless, inviting everyone to pause, breathe, and appreciate the beauty surrounding them. Each moment was a reminder of life’s simple joys.

  5. Reflections of a Day: My Journey in English

    Today marked a significant milestone in my journey to mastering English. I started the day by listening to an inspiring podcast, which motivated me to expand my vocabulary. During lunch, I practiced speaking with a friend, challenging myself to use new phrases. In the evening, I watched a movie without subtitles, immersing myself in the language. Each small step reinforced my confidence and passion for learning, reminding me that every day is an opportunity for growth. I look forward to what tomorrow will bring!

  6. **Reflections of Today: A Journey Through My Thoughts**

    Today has been a tapestry of moments, each thread woven with emotions and insights. I wandered through memories, contemplating the choices that shape my path. Each thought, a stepping stone, guiding me to self-discovery. In this fleeting day, I find clarity amid chaos, reminding me that every reflection is a chapter in my personal narrative.

  7. **Reflections on a Perfect Day**

    As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, I couldn’t help but reflect on the day’s moments. Laughter echoed in the gentle breeze, and the warmth of cherished company filled my heart. Every smile, every shared memory felt like a precious thread weaving the fabric of this perfect day. In that tranquility, I realized that perfection is not in the grandeur of events, but in the simple joys that linger in our souls.

  8. A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, the sun casting a warm golden hue across the landscape. Laughter echoed in the distance as families gathered for picnics, while children chased each other, their joy infectious. Each moment felt like a treasure, a reminder of the beauty in simple pleasures. As the day faded into twilight, the sky transformed into a canvas of vibrant colors, leaving a lasting impression of serenity and happiness.

  9. **Reflections on a Beautiful Day**

    Today was a symphony of colors as the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, reminding me to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. Each moment felt like a gift, urging me to pause and savor the beauty that surrounds us. As the day drew to a close, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the warmth and joy that filled my heart.

  10. Reflections of a Day: My Thoughts in English

    Today was filled with moments of joy and contemplation. I started my morning with a refreshing walk, which set a positive tone for the day. Throughout the day, I encountered challenges that tested my patience, but I reminded myself to embrace each experience as a learning opportunity. As the sun began to set, I took a moment to reflect on my achievements and the lessons learned. Each day, I realize, is a chance to grow and appreciate the beauty of life.

  11. On a bright day, the sun casts a golden glow, illuminating the world in vibrant colors. Nature awakens, and every leaf glistens with dew. It’s a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty surrounding us, filling our hearts with gratitude and joy. Each ray of sunlight inspires hope, reminding us that brighter days are always ahead.

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  13. “당신의 기사를 읽은 후 저는 놀랐습니다. 당신이 그것을 아주 잘 설명했다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 다른 독자들도 당신의 기사를 읽은 후 제가 어떤 느낌을 받았는지 경험하기를 바랍니다. opga

  14. “당신의 기사를 읽은 후 저는 놀랐습니다. 당신이 그것을 아주 잘 설명했다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 다른 독자들도 당신의 기사를 읽은 후 제가 어떤 느낌을 받았는지 경험하기를 바랍니다. 오피사이트

  15. “당신의 기사를 읽은 후 저는 놀랐습니다. 당신이 그것을 아주 잘 설명했다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 다른 독자들도 당신의 기사를 읽은 후 제가 어떤 느낌을 받았는지 경험하기를 바랍니다. 오피

  16. 처음으로 여기를 방문하고 블로그에서 흥미로운 내용을 많이 발견했습니다. 특히 토론입니다. 감사합니다. 대밤

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