I will be studying master’s in Computer Science at GSU from Fall 2014. I came early to Atlanta, well before my semseter starts. I utilized this extra time to meet the awesome people with whom I will be working, as SIF, for this academic year. As Student Innovation Fellows (SIF) , you will meet these people at one point of time or another. So, here is a brief description of the people :-

Justin Lonsbury: He is my manager and one of the coolest persons I have ever met.

Heidi Beezley: She is very friendly and probably the tallest lady at CII. She is very positive and drinks copius amounts of coffee.

Will Kerr: He is very helpful. I wonder how he works for the whole day standing in his cubicle. Only times that I have ever seen him sit, is while he is having lunch or while in a meeting !!!

Zoe Salloom: Aka Zoey. She is one of the most energetic person in the team. I tried many times to come to work before she does, but I didnt succeed even once ! She is the first person to come to work at CII every day. She is a good cook, few days ago she shared with us her homemade blueberry crisps, it was very tasty.

China Burlison: She is one of the silent hardworkers in the team. I recently learnt that she has been a fashion model for a couple of years.

Jon Ciliberto: He is our fellow SIF. He is a friendly guy with a good sense of humor. His ancestors are from Italy.

Maya Kittell: She is the goto girl for all the things like ipad, laptops, etc at the exchange.

Monique McGee: She is our fellow SIF. She is one of the liveliest persons in CII and is one of the editors of the SIF blog.

Jon Weaver: He is one of the liveliest guys around. Recently, I got to know that he is studying sign language interpretation.

Roxanne Greeson: She is our fellow SIF. Indian version of her name would be Ruksan. I recently learnt that she is a budding entrepreneur and owns a consulting company.

Brennan Collins: He is an amazing guy to talk to. He was the one who asked me, monique, jon and roxanne to put up our blogs so that new SIFs would get some idea of how the blogs can be.

Anushree: She is from India and a friendly person. She makes tasty sandwiches and masala rice, you have to try them out sometime.