Deliberation Map as my Masters Project

This semester I have been working majorly on deployment of the deliberation map. The available options were Azure and free websites. We opted for free hosting website.  The hosted deliberation map can be accessed at . The username is admin and password is a. If you would like to check things out, try it and let us know how you feel about it by replying to this blog.

Further, I added the feature of multiple deliberation maps support in the tool. This required substantial amount of work and addition of few more tables to our database. This version of the tool is yet to be hosted.

I presented the complete project as my Masters project. I am happy that Will and Taylor were able to be there for my final masters project presentation. The detailed report of the project can be found at.

Further, for the rest of the semester, I will be working on deliberation map to add analytical features such as showing the active users, active deliberation maps, etc. I would also like to work on the look and feel of the tool to make it look better.