EduBlog Resources

I posted this information in the Week 2 Announcement, but also wanted to re-post it along with resources for technical help while you create your Reflection Journals on the EduBlog platform. 

For a basic introduction to EduBlogs / WordPress: 

For various EduBlog User Guides: 

For technical support:

For help navigating EduBlogs


If you find any other resources that you’ve found helpful, please comment with the links below!



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One thought on “EduBlog Resources

  1. This setup is very difficult to navigate and I honestly do not see the difference in it than just using the icollege platform. It does the exact same thing. But now that we have two platforms we have to jump back and forth between websites to find the information we need and it is becoming very time consuming considering the actual assignments are not difficult and quite interesting. I just think that using the platform along with icollege is making it more difficult for students to actually be successful in the course because you are constantly on a hunt for the right information and content. I think in the future it’s probably best just to stick with icollege. I understand that you want us to venture out learning different media platforms but I feel like that is unfair to students who are not media or journalism majors. I am a journalism major myself and I am still having trouble using this platform in conjunction with icollege. It just makes everything more disorganized. In a previous class I had a professor used Tumblr as a way to post our blog posts and reflections which is great considering its simple layout and easy to use layout. In the future I would consider this and just post announcements on icollege.

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