Welcome Note!

Welcome to the Political Rap database. This data base is based on the criterion established by Dr. Lakeyta Bonnette-Bailey in her book, Pulse of the People: Political Rap Music and Black Political Attitudes. In this book, Dr. Bonnette-Bailey states that political rap should focus on the lyrics and not the artists, understanding that there are numerous subgenres of rap that exist. In regard to the subgenre of political rap, she argues that political rap songs are songs that display a political reference in the lyrics, such as directly referencing a political leader, political office/institution, political activity, political events political position or indirectly referencing an aspect of politics such as the mentioning of the Jake, 12 or other slang used for police or “alphabet boys” in reference to political departments or agency. Specifically, a song does not have to present an explicit reference to be considered political, it may also include an implicit political reference. In addition to a political reference the song must also either make a reference to a social problem or issue and discuss it in the lyrics or advocate a solution to injustices or problems in society.

Specifically, Political Rap songs are songs that:

Displays political references


Make references to social problems


Advocates solutions


Please Note: The lyrics displayed on this website are sourced from lyrics.com