First, make sure you’ve gotten Department Event Approval, Published you event to Panther Involvement Network (PIN) and the main GSU Calendar.
Once you’ve created an Event on PIN, you can use its built in attendance tracking system. This simplifies attendance report retrieval for any faculty member who needs that information. Faculty members who want access to attendance reports will need to be added to our PIN group, they can email the PIN Administrator – currently
At the event you can either add ‘Campus Labs Event Check In‘ app to your own devices, use the department check in kiosk, or both. Download sources and tutorial are available at the link above.
If using the Department Kiosk:
- Arrange in advance for the Fine Arts Tech team to have the check in kiosk available, you will get specific instructions for set up and storage. Currently –
- Set up kiosk and make sure it is plugged in.
- Open settings and make sure the Display and Brightness auto-lock setting is set to “Never”
- Open check in app and enter your event code, you’ll need to sign in to PIN
- The scanner works and is available, however we have found that the type-in search feature is easier and more efficient in most cases.
- Push the home button 3 times to engage ‘Guided Access’ you will be able to set a pin code that prevents switching apps on the iPad.
- After the event, turn off Guided Access by pushing the home button 3 times and entering your pin code again. Go into settings and change auto-lock to 2 minutes.
- Return kiosk to where you got it, or where you’ve agreed to store it, make sure it is plugged in and behind a locked door.
After the event, any faculty member who requests access can pull the attendance report as needed.
See attendance report retrieval for instructions.