Guest Artists

If you would like to host a Guest Artist in your event, it is important that the Department Chair (Currently Sally Robertson, and the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine, know who is in the building and in what capacity, and whether or not they are being paid a stipend

Guest Artist Request

Submitted by

Who is requesting this Guest Artist, a Discipline or an Individual?

Guest Artist(s) Contact Information

Affiliations or Employment
Is this guest and employee of the University System of Georgia in any capacity?
Would you like Wifi Access for your Guest(s)?
Will your Guest(s) be paid?
I understand payment for this guest will not be provided by the department after this form is agreed to.


Have you already communicated with the Chair about this??
Do you want this event listed on the university calendar available to the GSU Community?
Do you want this event promoted on department social media to the public?

This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Guest Speakers

If you would like to host a Guest Speaker in your class it is important that the Department Chair (Currently Sally Robertson, and the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine, know who is in the building and in what capacity, whether or not they are being paid a stipend, or affecting anything outside of your standard classroom session.

Guest Artist Request

Submitted by

Who is requesting this Guest Artist, a Discipline or an Individual?

Guest Artist(s) Contact Information

Affiliations or Employment
Is this guest and employee of the University System of Georgia in any capacity?
Would you like Wifi Access for your Guest(s)?
Will your Guest(s) be paid?
I understand payment for this guest will not be provided by the department after this form is agreed to.


Have you already communicated with the Chair about this??
Do you want this event listed on the university calendar available to the GSU Community?
Do you want this event promoted on department social media to the public?

This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Room Prep Information

Starting with the 23-24 season, use of any room in the Fine Arts building (outside of standard classroom use) will need to fill out this form. This includes:

Outside of a normal class or club session (time/date)
Outside of normal class or club’s standard location. (E.g. moving to stage)
Require additional personnel or equipment
Require departmental funding
Include Outside Participants or Guests
All Public, Private, and in-house Events, even those consistently scheduled year to year (e.g. Theatre Arts Guild performances).

MUST provide room prep information to the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine using this form, not email. This form may be completed as soon as the room use is planned, but must be completed no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled date.

Minor updates may be submitted to the production manager up to 7 days in advance, but not all adjustments can be accommodated at this deadline.

Room Prep Information Form (Updated February 2024)

Faculty Course Request

For any preferences to be considered, Faculty must request their next semester’s teaching load every semester as assigned.

Schedule Preference Form

Schedule Preference Form

Would you like to teach this coming semester?
Is this course load 'Study Abroad'?

This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.


Starting with the 23-24 season, use of any room in the Fine Arts building (outside of standard classroom use) will need to fill out this form. This includes:

Outside of a normal class or club session (time/date)
Outside of normal class or club’s standard location. (E.g. moving to stage)
Require additional personnel or equipment
Require departmental funding
Include Outside Participants or Guests
All Public, Private, and in-house Events, even those consistently scheduled year to year (e.g. Theatre Arts Guild performances).

MUST provide room prep information to the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine using this form, not email. This form may be completed as soon as the room use is planned, but must be completed no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled date.

Minor updates may be submitted to the production manager up to 7 days in advance, but not all adjustments can be accommodated at this deadline.

Room Prep Information Form (Updated February 2024)

Season Submission Process

This is my proposal, I am open to feedback and suggestions or an entirely different idea.

1) As anyone discovers, thinks of, or reads a new play they would like to propose to the group they fill out a digital play-card:

  • Title, Author, Publisher
  • Casting Requirements
  • Additional Team Members needed
  • Summary
  • Set, light, sound, costume and special technical needs
  • Personal comments

2) A card is auto-generated in Trello with the results of the form, Voting Members are automatically applied.

3) Committee members respond with their round 1 vote.

4) A voting threshold, or top X voted cards, moves scripts to round 2. (Some agreed upon manageable amount)  All members read plays voted into round 2, make additional comments.

5)  Round two voting,  X number of top voted scripts are moved forward.

6) Artistic director considers voted submissions (And ‘golden buzzer’ scripts?) and curates season.

7) Rights are requested and adjustments made due to approvals.

8) Season is announced in program of 3rd production

9) Move forward high voted, but rejected submissions, submissions after october deadline, and individual readers begin again. (May-September)


May-September: Individual Reader/Submission Window
September 30th: Round one submissions closed.
October 24th: Round One Voting Closed
October 31st: Round Two Scripts Selected
November 1-January 24th: Round Two Scripts read by All voting members, voting closed
January 31st: Round Three Scripts sent to AD
February 28th: Season Selected
March 1-7th: Rights applied For
March 31st: Season Secured
April: Season Announced

Golden Buzzer Scripts: If a director or team member is particularly passionate about One script that didn’t get enough group support, it can go to the AD for consideration with the other voted scripts.

Piano Lab (Setup and Equipment)

This guide contains instructions for setting up the keyboards and private listening system for the keyboard studio classroom (Currently CF 2220).


Keyboard Arrangement

The Keyboards should face the instructor’s platform in 2 columns. Each keyboard has a number label on the back, in the upper right corner. They should be arranged so that, when viewed from the instructor’s position, 1-4 are on the left (with 1 nearest the instructor) and 5-8 are on the right (with 5 nearest the instructor).


Cable Management

If properly disassembled the cables should be arranged into 2 runs, one for the left-hand column (1-4) and one for the right-hand column (5-8). Each run should contain power with split-off points as well as data.

Lay each run along the aisle-side edge of each keyboard column, ensuring that a power-split lands near each keyboard along with the appropriate data cable. Each data cable is assigned to a keyboard and can be identified by the numbered tag near the head of the cable (see photo).


Keyboard Setup

Locate the power cable for each keyboard. Plug into the “DC in” port on the back-center of the keyboard (top left of photo below). Set the transformer on the shelf at the bottom (bottom-center of photo). Plug the Edison end of the power cable into the nearest power-split point (being held in photo). If for some reason the pedals have been disconnected, plug the into the “Pedal” port (top center).

Remaining on the back side of the keyboard, locate the splitter-box on the bottom side of the keyboard itself. Plug in the data cable and ensure the connection between the keyboard and the splitter is arranged as seen below.

Move to the front side of the splitter. Plug the Headset cables into the “Student 1” ports as shown. The green jack is the headphones and the red jack is the mic (on current model of headset). Hang the headset from the hook under the keyboard.


Repeat the above process for the other keyboards. Once all keyboards are done, fit the cable protectors over each cable run, allowing cables to exit at each keyboard as needed. Tape down the protectors to the floor to prevent trip hazards.


Data Hub

In the unlikely instance that the wall-mounted data hub needs to be unpatched or moved, reference the photo below for repatching.



Have one person sit at the instructor’s station while the other moves from one keyboard to the next.

Instructor Station: Use the headset and the control box to listen to each keyboard as your partner moves to each. On the control box, make sure channels 1-8 are selected by pressing the bottom left button until the “1-8” light is lit up. To select/deselect a channel, push the button corresponding to each station on the bottom row. Confirm that the Instructor’s headset can hear each station’s instrument and mic. Also confirm that each station can hear the instructor’s mic.

Student Station: (Use this time to also test each station’s headset) At each station. Confirm the Following:

  • The student’s headset can hear the instrument
  • The instructor’s headset can hear the instrument
  • Each headset can hear the other’s microphone

Social Media / Marketing

Social Media Manager

  • Develop, produce/write and post content on the College’s official social media platforms.
  • Maintain the College’s social media content calendar and schedule/track posts using tools such as Canva.
  • Monitor social media conversations to provide timely responses and/or to alert colleagues of issues requiring immediate attention.
  • Monitor and curate social media content from Departments, Centers, and other entities within the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Produce analytic reports to monitor the engagement of targeted audiences and use the data to improve reach and engagement.
  • Advise/offer training in best practices to the social media coordinators of the Departments and other sub-units of the College of Arts and Sciences who are running their respective social channels.
  • Provide live, on-site coverage on social media channels for key College-level events.
  • Have administrative oversight of our social media accounts.
  • Collaborate with the university’s central PR/Marketing team to stay on top of ever-changing best practices in social media and to ensure consistency of messaging across multiple platforms and networks targeted to key audiences.


General Rules & Procedures for Using Intra-organizational Marketing Tools & Social Media



  • What Will You Need
  • What Are Our Intra-organizational Marketing?
  • What Will You Need to Do?
  • What Do You Need to Learn
  • Handling of Box Office’s Petty Cash


What You Will Need

Upper management will need to set up an account or share credentials of the following:

  • PIN (Panther Involvement Network)*
  • Localist*
  • GSU WordPress *
  • Canva account
  • Facebook Admin Access (Theatre Arts Guild page & Department of Performing Arts page)
  • Instagram (pcfinearts)
  • Linktree
  • Mailchimp



The following are links to Marketing Assets listed above:


What Are Our Intra-organizational Marketing Tools?

It is all the tools we use internally between departments and divisions of the college to market all of the fine arts events within the school.


The following tools we use:

  • Pin (Panther Involvement Network)
  • Localist
  • GSU WordPress pages
  • Visix Slides


Inter-organizational Marketing Tools

  1. Panther Involvement Network (PIN)
  • Networking tool for students to find organizations and events.
  • Upload events to this page for students who use this tool to view upcoming events.
  1. GSU (WordPress)
  • Website tool used for Theatre Arts Guild web pages.
  • Used to upload upcoming auditions, theatre performances, and pictures from productions.
  • A calendar tool used to upload events that will be displayed on the school’s calendar.
  • Link below for more info:

  • Digital signage tool used on display monitors throughout the campus.
  • Link below for guidelines:


Social Media Platforms

Currently the two main social media platforms we use are:

  • Instagram- pcfinearts
  • Facebook- You will manage 2 pages (Theatre Arts Guild & Department of Fine Arts)


Canva Account

What is Canva?

Canva is an online graphic design tool. Use it to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.


How do we use it?

We create ALL of our social media post using this tool. We also use the Content Planner tool to schedule out social media posts in advance.



  • Use the University’s brand guide to design your post. i.e. College’s color, font, and logos (its uploaded to the account)
  • Unlike Facebook, Instagram will ONLY allow a post to be scheduled through its Content Planner tool if it is ONE page only. If an Instagram post has multiple pages you must download design to your phone and upload it.
  • Save ALL designs to Perimeter College folder so other account holders can have access to them.
  • Use design’s labelled templates for continuity of the overall theme on our platforms
  • Filters most used on Images are Festive, Solar, and Peony
  • Use notes section to write the copy to be used on posts.
  • If permitted get social media accounts to tag people and organizations



Social Media Calendar

How do I know what events to post?

Usually events are posted to the University calendar events page in advanced from each discipline (Music, Art, & Theatre). You will also need to periodically double check with each department to find out about upcoming events.


Timeline of posts

Most events if time permits should be posted a week in advanced with the exception of theatre production events. Preferably 3 posts per event:

  1. Reminder post (week prior)
  2. Day Before post
  3. Day of Post
  • Theatre posts should start going out a month prior to event with reminders weekly of ticket availability to daily depending if is the week of the production




  • If possible try to make a post about each discipline on a weekly basis.
  • Attend events to take photos to be used on our socials


Email Marketing

Mail Chimp is the tool we currently use to send out all or our emails

  • Templates are made
  • Email list for campaigns are available