Room Prep Information

Starting with the 23-24 season, use of any room in the Fine Arts building (outside of standard classroom use) will need to fill out this form. This includes:

Outside of a normal class or club session (time/date)
Outside of normal class or club’s standard location. (E.g. moving to stage)
Require additional personnel or equipment
Require departmental funding
Include Outside Participants or Guests
All Public, Private, and in-house Events, even those consistently scheduled year to year (e.g. Theatre Arts Guild performances).

MUST provide room prep information to the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine using this form, not email. This form may be completed as soon as the room use is planned, but must be completed no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled date.

Minor updates may be submitted to the production manager up to 7 days in advance, but not all adjustments can be accommodated at this deadline.

Room Prep Information Form (Updated February 2024)