Season Submission Process

This is my proposal, I am open to feedback and suggestions or an entirely different idea.

1) As anyone discovers, thinks of, or reads a new play they would like to propose to the group they fill out a digital play-card:

  • Title, Author, Publisher
  • Casting Requirements
  • Additional Team Members needed
  • Summary
  • Set, light, sound, costume and special technical needs
  • Personal comments

2) A card is auto-generated in Trello with the results of the form, Voting Members are automatically applied.

3) Committee members respond with their round 1 vote.

4) A voting threshold, or top X voted cards, moves scripts to round 2. (Some agreed upon manageable amount)  All members read plays voted into round 2, make additional comments.

5)  Round two voting,  X number of top voted scripts are moved forward.

6) Artistic director considers voted submissions (And ‘golden buzzer’ scripts?) and curates season.

7) Rights are requested and adjustments made due to approvals.

8) Season is announced in program of 3rd production

9) Move forward high voted, but rejected submissions, submissions after october deadline, and individual readers begin again. (May-September)


May-September: Individual Reader/Submission Window
September 30th: Round one submissions closed.
October 24th: Round One Voting Closed
October 31st: Round Two Scripts Selected
November 1-January 24th: Round Two Scripts read by All voting members, voting closed
January 31st: Round Three Scripts sent to AD
February 28th: Season Selected
March 1-7th: Rights applied For
March 31st: Season Secured
April: Season Announced

Golden Buzzer Scripts: If a director or team member is particularly passionate about One script that didn’t get enough group support, it can go to the AD for consideration with the other voted scripts.