Updating GSU Calendar

Start by creating a new event at https://calendar.gsu.edu/event/create

  1. Enter Event Name, Description and Status
  2. Add Event Schedule
    1. A repeating event will only show up once on the Events Calendar for the soonest next event or remain at the top of the list during active dates. Good for: Gallery Shows, Ongoing multi-day events.
    2. For an event with multiple dates, it is best to create a new event for each day. This will show up on the Events Calendar multiple times, indicating people have distinct options. Good for: Productions with multiple performances.
  3. Enter Location details, typically we use 3735 Memorial College Ave as our physical address
  4. Additional Details
    1. Hashtags: SeeYourselfInTheArts TheArtsAreForEveryone
    2. Event Website: If no specific event website use https://sites.gsu.edu/perimetercollegefinearts/hub
    3. Fill in the rest as appropriate.
  5. Filters: The only requirement is listing the Department as ‘Fine Arts (Perimeter College)’, but other categories can be listed if useful.
  6. Add Event and alert Fine Arts Approver (Currently Aaron Gotlieb – agotlieb@gsu.edu) that there is an event ready to add to the calendar. When you get an email letting you know your event is approved, check https://sites.gsu.edu/perimetercollegefinearts/hub to verify it has appeared on the automatic calendar.