Reading Summary 3

The time we are currently living in, is one of both political and social upheaval.  We currently experiencing the end of establishment political party control in our elections with the rise of presidential candidates such as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.  Their is a current backlash in many American’s mind withe the perceived “political correctness” of society combined with the silencing of differing view and opinions. Socially, many marginalized groups are protesting the actions society has enforced for generations. Last year, was a major social wave with the Supreme Court ruling that state bans on the marriage between to persons of the same sex, was unconstitutional and gay marriage was allowed in all 50 U.S states. Currently a new battle is being waged  for more inclusion of many newly franchised trans gendered people into the American workplace and culture. One current battle is explained in Suzanne Tick’s , “His and Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society”,  as she explains the growing number of businesses and organizations in this country who are making many bathrooms gender-neutral instead being set and designed for one gender. From the beginning to the very end, she explains the changing ideologue of many Americans and the importance of  making society more inclusive and beneficial for once oppressed groups.

In the beginning of the article, Tick reflects the current view in American society. Many of the traditional roles that society has placed on opposite sexes are starting to come to an end. Boys are now starting to play with girl dolls and girls are now exploring different sports that were once seen as too “boyish” for delicate girls.  Both sexes are starting to wear different clothes that was once intended for the other. This has caused many designers employers to take in account the diversifying of their consumer base. One of the major problems is that employees of these companies are homogeneous. Even though we are starting to open the doors of opportunities to different groups, Tick explains “…the world of technology and web design is also a very male-dominated field, with 85 percent of tech workers at the top companies being male”(Tick), who may not be able to relate to the views and experiences of these groups. With the inclusion of women into the leadership roles of different companies, their is a new emphasis on adding more color and texture to the workplace to make it become more inviting.

In contrast to architecture, fashion has ironically been very traditional to what sexes are viewed to wear what clothes and accessories. Tick explains how some coats designed by artists are given more of a military look to be worn by men whereas other are given brighter colors and are designed for women. In order to become of the more progressive society, fashion companies are seeking to make their workplaces more inviting. Recently  corporations are starting to make gender-neutral bathrooms were both sexes can use it and aren’t forced to pick one chosen for them.  Tick explains how we must not continue the mistake of such actions such as the Americans Disability Act, where many handicapped individuals are still not able to enter certain locations because of ignored architectural restrictions.  In a new America, it is the responsibility of the government as well as the people themselves, to ensure that all people are all able to be a part of the American fabric and are given the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.

Tick,Suzanne “Her and Hers: Designing for a Post-Gender Society”