Annotated Bibliography 10

Tester, G, et al. “Sense Of Place Among Atlanta Public Housing Residents.” Journal Of Urban Health 88.3 (2011): 436-453 18p. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 25 Mar. 2016.

This article written primarily by Tester, analyzes the history of government public housing and the effects it has on the people as well as the culture of inner cities and towns. The article begins by explaining the history of public housing. Originally as part of the War on Poverty, government housing was used as a well to aid the poor and give them cheap, subsidized homes. By the beginning of the 1990’s, many started to realized that the homes were a failure and were now fostering poverty and crime.  Another reality of public housing is that the majority of people living in many of this poor areas were African-American which was now resulting in generational poverty and the rise of gang violence in these areas.  In conclusion, the articles states that the only real solution to the problem would be integration with the rest of the city as well as new working opportunities would be the only way to end the stigma associated with public housing. The reason I chose this article is because it explains physical barriers that have been put in place to separate different portions and people of society.

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