Digital Record of Downtown Decatur #1

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The Dekalb County Courthouse serves as the legal center of the town of Decatur as well as representing its fascinating history. When walking in front of the steps of the courthouse, one is taken back by the sheer size of the structure. Looking in closer, one there are many engravings of historical figures on the sides of the walls as well as shining white Greek columns holding the front of the structure. The very name is written in a Latin-esque font with the u’s written as v’s/  On the sides of the Courthouse, there is  a beautiful garden and park to give a more inviting feel of  the courthouse. The importance that is placed on the Courthouse shows the importance of law and order that held by many of the residents of the Decatur as well as the continued importance of maintain and preserving historical objects and places. I was really amazed by the structure and truly hope to see it again.

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