“Atlanta and Edgewood.” N.p., 10 Oct. 2009. Web. 13 Sept. 2016.
In this article, the author describes how the addition of the railroad along Foster Street by Joel Hurt in
August of 1889 led to the formation of Edgewood Avenue. The creation of the railroad led to many
buildings and houses being torn down and, in turn, led to the nice tree lined road of Edgewood
Avenue. They author then goes on to describe all of the expenses of the project and how the new road
was an efficient way to get from Little Five Points to Downtown without going straight through Old
Fourth Ward.
This article is important because it shows how the creation of the railroad led to a more industrialized Atlanta and a road that enabled drivers an efficient and clean road to get around Old Fourth Ward. It also gives the reader a good grasp on how much this project costed.
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