
New Voices 2015 is just around the corner, and we have a great schedule of presentations for this year’s conference from start to end. To assist with participant preparations, we wanted to remind everyone about the details regarding registration.

Registration for the conference will be completed on-site beginning at 3PM on Thursday, February 5, and will run throughout the conference. The registration fees for this conference are as follows.

Georgia State Students: $25
Non-Georgia State Students: $30

Registration payments can be made using either cash or check. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the New Voices Planning Committee.

We look forward to seeing everyone next week!

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2015 Conference Schedule Now Available

New Voices would like to thank everyone who submitted a panel or individual proposal for the 2015 Conference. Submissions for panel and individual presentations for the 2015 New Voices conference are now closed and all submissions have been notified of their acceptance status. We received some fantastic submissions and are really looking forward to the presentations at this year’s conference!

With the closing of submissions for panels and presentations, we are also excited to announce that the tentative 2015 Conference schedule is now available. Please note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change as we finalize the schedule for all conference participants. All updates to the schedule will be posted to the new Schedule page of our website; therefore, we encourage attendees as participants to check back often.

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Extended Submission Deadline for 2015 New Voices Conference

New Voices is excited to announce that we have received several outstanding submissions for the 2015 New Voices Conference. To help make this year’s conference even better, we are excited to announce that we are extending the deadline for individual and panel submissions to January 15, 2015. For more information, check out our updated CFP. Proposals can be submitted via our online forms on our Forms page.

Additionally, we are also happy to announce that the registration deadline for two of our inaugural creative writing workshops, “Death and Poetry” and “Death and Fiction,” as well as the annual Creative Writing Reading Night has also been extended to January 15, 2015. For more information, please see our updated CFP. Please note that space for participating in these three events is limited; therefore, we do encourage you to register as soon as possible. Registration for these events can be completed by submitting your registration via the respective online forms on our Forms page.

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Creative Writing Workshops at New Voices 2015

The New Voices Planning Committee is proud to announce that it will host four creative writing workshops at New Voices 2015 related to the conference theme: “Poetry and Death,” “Poetry and Humor,” “Fiction and Death,” and “Fiction and Humor.” During these workshops, participants will bring a creative piece related to the workshop topic to workshop with the group. For more information, please see the 2015 New Voices Creative Writing Workshops CFP.

Please note that space in these workshops is limited; therefore, we ask that you register by December 10, 2014, for these workshops via their respective online forms, which can all be found on our Forms page. Participants will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by December 19, 2014.

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2015 CFP Deadline Extended to Dec. 10

New Voices is excited to announce that we are extending the deadline for paper and panel submission to December 10, 2014. By this deadline, please submit your 200-300 word paper proposals for the 2015 New Voices Conference via our online Proposal Submission form. You can also submit a panel proposal via our Panel Proposal form if you have a group of presenters and papers on a similar topic. For more information about the Conference and this year’s CFP, please see the Call for Papers page of our new website.

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CFP and Submissions

New Voices is excited to announce our call for papers for the 2015 New Voices Conference. Proposals are encouraged to incorporate aspects of this year’s conference theme, “The Rule of Threes: Death, Humor, and Repetition”; however, submissions involving a wide range of interests and concerns within the Humanities are also welcome. For more information, please see the Call for Papers section of our website.

In addition to announcing our CFP, we would also like to notify everyone that we are now accepting submissions for the 2015 New Voices Conference. To submit a proposal, please complete and submit the 2015 New Voices Proposal Submission form online. The form will ask for information related to your proposal such as your contact information as well as a 200-300 word abstract. This form and subsequent forms for the 2015 New Voices Conference can be found in the Forms section of our website. The deadline for submitting proposals is November 21, 2014.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the New Voices Planning Committee. We are happy to help and look forward to receiving your submissions!

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2015 New Voices Conference Theme Announcement

New Voices would like to congratulate Andrea Rogers on the selection of her proposal for the 2015 New Voices Theme submission “The Rule of Threes: Death, Humor, and Repetition.” Please see below for a full description of the theme.

“The Rule of Threes: Death, Humor, and Repetition.”

“At the intersection of death and humor is a central rule: the rule of threes. This rule stipulates that if one person dies, two more will follow. Similarly, the rules of humor suggest that something must occur three times in order to be funny.  This theme seeks to investigate the multiple intersections of humor and death and their relationships to the humanities by asking where humor and death intersect and how the concept of repetition plays a part in these relationships.”

We would like to thank everyone for their submissions for this proposal as well as your participation in the voting for this year’s theme. We received some great submissions for this call and had a great response for the voting. Thank you all for helping to make this upcoming New Voices Conference a great one!

Please check back in the coming months for updates regarding mentoring sessions and calls for papers related to this great theme. Also, be sure to sign up for our mailing list and follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest from New Voices.

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Spring 2014 Fundraising Meeting (Part 1)

As mentioned in our last posting, we are opening up a Google Doc for all those who would like to contribute ideas to the Spring 2014 Fundraising meeting scheduled for this Friday (March 14) at 1:00 p.m. but are unable to attend. You may also post ideas if you are planning on coming to the meeting and would just like to have them written in the document before hand.

To access this document, please follow the link for the Spring 2014 Fundraising Ideas & Planning sheet. This link should bring you to a page that will prompt one of the New Voices staff to add you as a collaborator. You may also e-mail us to request access to this document, and we will be happy to add you as well. Once in the document, please fill out a row by providing your name, a brief explanation of your idea, a proposed date for the event, and any additional notes for consideration. Additionally, feel free to mark the last box in an idea’s row for which you would like to cast a vote. We look forward to discussing all of this input at Friday’s meeting.

Please be sure to check back here for more updates after the meeting, and don’t forget to sign up for our mailing list for more updates.

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Updates from 03.07.2014 New Voices Meeting

At our meeting this last Friday, the New Voices planning committee made several updates to the committee and the calendar that we would like to share.

First, we are happy to announce that the 2014-2015 New Voices planning committee has been assembled! Please see the home page for a listing of the current committee members. Also, if you would like to volunteer with New Voices during this planning year, please let us know via e-mail.

Additionally, we have decided to hold our first fundraising event for this planning year during the Spring 2014 semester. In light of this development, we will be holing a special meeting to discuss possible fundraising ideas. This meeting is not mandatory; however, we encourage anyone who is interested or has an idea regarding this upcoming event or future fundraising activities to join us for this meeting on March 14 at 1:00 p.m. Please see the Meeting Information page for details. For those of you who will be unable to join us, we will also be opening up a Google Doc so that you can add your ideas for consideration. Please check back  here after the meeting for more information including a link to the document.

Lastly, we have updated the New Voices planning committee meetings with the next three meeting dates. These meeting dates were selected based on the meeting availability days and times that you all kindly shared with us via our meeting availability poll. Please see the Meeting Information page for details regarding the next meeting and the Calendar page for a schedule of upcoming meetings.

As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments that you may have regarding the planning committee activities or the conference. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you!

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Several Quick Reminders

  • Please fill out our meeting survey  if you haven’t already. We want to set up meeting times for the rest of the semester.
  • If you are interested in a co-chair position, please send your letter of intent to the New Voices:
  • If you are interested in a committee chair position, either send us an email expressing interest or come to our next meeting
  • Mark your calendars for our next meeting: March 7, 2014 at 12:30 pm in the Graduate Student Lounge on the 9th Floor of Langdale Hall


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