Presidential Debate (9/26/16): My Response

As an avid liberal, I am disappointed that my party did not reach the debate or even the chance to become president. My third party affiliat [...]

Summary of Kathleen G Scholl’s and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi’s, “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning...

Bibliography:Scholl, Kathleen G., and Gowri Gulwadi Betrabet. “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces.” Recognizing Ca [...]

Monkey Astronaut Sticker

The location of the print is underneath the overpass next to student center east on a high beam supporting the road atop of it.From a distan [...]

Scavenger Hunt: “Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces”

Thesis: Well-designed and connected networks of indoor and open spaces on campuses can be key, yet typically overlooked catalysts, in studen [...]

Centennial Olympic Park: A Deconstruction

Located at 265 Park Avenue in Atlanta Georgia, Cenntenial Olympic Park is a 21 acre green space that was built as apart of the infrastructur [...]

Academic Blogs Analysis

Of all the academic blogs researched during the day. here are some characteristics that all of them seem to posses: All of the blogs seem to [...]

Centennial Olympic Park: An Oasis

Through the dirty streets, the rushing cars, the sleeping homeless, the convenient shops, I walked to Centennial Olympic Park. I had only ev [...]

Summary of Sarah Schindler’s, “Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the...

Link: Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment by Sarah Schindler Bibliogra [...]

FYG (Chapter 8) Reading Summary

Digital Literacy-What we can say in a space is limited by what we can do in a space. how does being seconds away from the internet at all im [...]

Peachtree Street

I departed from the Commons and casually followed Google to Centennial Olympic Park. I passed through alley ways, crossed dirty streets and [...]
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