Category Archives: Stream of Consciousness

Opinion Piece: Latina College Student Used ‘Hence’ In Paper, Is Accused Of Plagiarism

Huffington post wrote a piece about a female student who turned in a paper deemed plagiarized. I find this quite disgusting. The student eve [...]

Fish Climbing Trees

I was scrolling through Facebook and noticed this becoming widely popular. I watched it and thought that it was very interesting and, honest [...]

Design and Behavior

Potential Thesis: How does the built environment of Ponce City Market affect ideology expression among its patrons?  Thesis:The built envi [...]

“The Innovation Campus: Building Better Ideas” Annotation #2

7.)“Different floors have different themes, based on Utah’s existing strengths: one for games and digital media, one for adventure a [...]

“The Innovation Campus: Building Better Ideas” Annotation #1

1.)“What architects take from Building 20 is not its ramshackle aesthetic — though some believe less polish provides more freedom [...]

The Varsity: A One Sided Experience

Of all the places I have visited in Atlanta, The Varsity was one of the most interesting experiences. This class over the semester has open [...]

Presidential Debate (9/26/16): My Response

As an avid liberal, I am disappointed that my party did not reach the debate or even the chance to become president. My third party affiliat [...]

Peachtree Street

I departed from the Commons and casually followed Google to Centennial Olympic Park. I passed through alley ways, crossed dirty streets and [...]

Patriarchy and Religion

In my history class we are learning about the early American colonies and Jamestown. Our exam is tomorrow and as I was reviewing, I noticed [...]

Hilary Clinton Television Ad

So I was watching television and noticed the Hilary Clinton ad bashing the Trump campaign. Since we have been talking about rhetoric I thoug [...]
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