7.)“Different floors have different themes, based on Utah’s existing strengths: one for games and digital media, one for adventure and gear, one for design and the arts, one for global impact and sustainability.”(Para.20)
This is again another example on how Georgia State is so modern to these functional ideas provided in this article. In The Commons dorm, where I reside, each floor groups people on specific interests (if they wanted to be). There are outdoor floors, social floors,humanities floors,STEM floors, etc. I did not choose to live on a themed floor but our floor is inspired by artwork and focuses on acceptance (because I’m a hippy by heart).
8.)“It was important, Mr. Stevens said, that it resemble a corporate lounge — “a beautiful, high-end-finish space” — rather than an intimidating board room, and the school made it a priority to have best-in-class furniture, including Eames chairs, to set the tone.”(Para.29)
Is this really necessary?! I think that it is easy for someone to get caught up in these fanciful designs and bouchie items. Can’t the same goal be reached through buying stylish yet less expensive furniture? I think that it can because it is not what is in the room that matters but the actual pitch to the business moguls. These nice seating options might play a factor but it certainly cannot be that big. If I were attending that school I would want my money to be going into something more than just chairs.

I just Googled Eames Chairs and this is what came up. Is this really that necessary and where is the proof that it works?
9.) “To maintain a sense of the provisional and knockabout, the architects preserved the parking lines on the (cleaned-up) concrete floors and used inexpensive plywood, embellished with spray-painted graphics, for many of the walls. “We embraced the raw nature of the parking garage,” said Todd Heiser, design principal at Gensler in Chicago. “We left the cinder block. We left the concrete in its natural state.'”(Para.30)
This idea I think is golden. With traditional work spaces it is a challenge to balance both creativity and tideness. The idea of making a parking lot into classrooms allows students to be able to take more risks and not be afraid to scuff up the floors. Also, I believe, that there is a correlation between one’s environment and their attitude. With a prestige work space, one may feel less comfortable to express individuality, as with a rustic space, one can let loose a little more and feel that they are not held to the expectations the room presents.
10.)“The Innovation Campus, which is being built on a former golf course, is the brainchild of Wichita State’s president, John Bardo. His ambitions are not small: The project will take 20 years to build and potentially increase campus size by 50 percent, with new business and engineering buildings and residence halls alongside headquarters for private industry.”(Para.41)
I did a little more research on the subject and it is actually very intriguing. The campus, according to the website, is, “One of the biggest ways the Innovation Campus can make an impact is by supplying an experienced, well-educated, ready-made workforce”(wsuinnovationcampus). the campus is not only benefitial for students but for the businesses that invest within it through shops. It states that there will be over 30,000 potential customers DAILY. This can be beneficial to the college monetary-wise(wsuinnovationcampus).
11.) “‘We reached out to the local business community and asked what they wanted in a graduate, and they told us there was a two-year gap between a graduate and someone who is a productive worker,” said Emily Patterson, associate director of facilities planning at Wichita State. “They were asking for a more prepared student.”‘(Para.43)
I think that this was a good idea. In order to get a full sense of what it is like to be out in the world, one needs to learn how to work and how to be productive. The one thing that I sort of disagree about this is that although there might be some preceding circumstance, education should come first. Being a student is a job and should be treated as such. I always think that it is important to make sure that being a student is the number one priority and should be treated highly above most elements.
12.)“An anecdote from Kevin B. Sullivan of Payette, whose firm has interdisciplinary science and engineering centers under construction at Northeastern and Tufts, underscores the urgency. “I’m on the board of my daughter’s high school, and what they are doing there is taking the existing library, gutting it and turning it into a tech-enablement space,” he said. “The college process may be dumbed down from what they do in high school.'”(Para.47)
Okay this is a little bit of a peeve of mine. Although modern technology might be this great thing that needs to be utilized, it cannot be the only thing. In my experience, I know that it is very simple to just google an answer and move on, but if a student takes time and fully ingrains themselves into the subject, then it becomes more real to them. Physical books are a very important resource and are regarded very well as good sources of information. All i’m saying is that there should not be a radical of either but a nice balance between physical paper reading and online studies.