Located on 61 North Avenue NW in Atlanta, The Varsity is one of the most noteworthy chains originally founded in midtown Atlanta in 1928. Being pronounced the largest drive-in in the 1950’s with over 100 car hops, The Varsity has maintained its legacy for over 85 years(The Varsity). I will be examining the colors of the popular restaurant.
Upon entering from the parking deck entrance of the restaurant, there were multiples of seating with a dark gray color. The benches were scuffed and smeared, indicated by the deep shiny color of certain spots of the benches. On the tables was a pattern of black speckled dots the size of grains of sand scattered randomly over the table. underneath these speckles was a light gray complexion, almost resembling a worn pavement color.

Notice the vibrant colors found on each table and the dull ones found within the tables and benches. (PB:M.Molini)
On each of these tables to the left side were the same elements. There was a bleach white salt shaker and a jet black pepper shaker. On both of these shakers was the same design with 19 small holes, each also the size of grains of sand, punctured into the top in circles. In addition, there was a unique shaker with a silver top and a clear glassy base. The contents of the shaker was a deep orange and light red color that painted the grains. The holes punctured in the top were also evenly spaced and counted to be 19. Standing behind the shakers was a small box. It contained a clear and muted base with a white, black, and red paper in the front. The top of the box, containing an oval shaped hole spanning over the middle, was a deep vibrant red and matched the red of The Varsity logo. Delicately protruding were two bleach white napkins. On either sides of the box were bottles, mirroring each other in shape and appearance, but opposite in color. They were curvy and short bottles, one with a piercing bright yellow color, and the other with a deep red color. They had a bleach white colored top and a similar colored label reading “Heinz” in jet black letters. Exclusively next to the deep red bottle, there was a cylindrical bleach white cup. The cup contained The Varsity logo in firetruck red letters and the restaurant slogan, “What’ll Ya Have?” in the same red writing. Contained within the cup were bright white and red straws, over 20 in counting.

Notice the multitude of reds found within this picture, not only the ketchup, but also the doors, napkin holders, and trays. (PB:M.Molini)
Across the aisle to the right side were dark gray trash cans painted completely of this color. The top of the can, being folded over, is a jet black rippled material that reaches deep inside the can. There were more than 14 cans paralleling each other in shape and color. Hanging above the cans is a long reaching light gray shelf with angular gray colored bars reaching to the cream colored walls. Sitting atop the shelf are napkin holders. The holder contains a tan colored base with a mettallic pole reaching up to almost a foot away from the ceiling. Holding onto the pole is a rectangular box with similar red,black, and white colors and two bleach white napkins protruding, just as on the tables. On this shelf are over 44 deep red bottle, also found on the tables, and a similar quantity in mustard bottles. Next to these rows are trays stacked that are impressed with various grooves. The color, resembling The Varsity logo, is a bright and vibrant red that coats the entirty of the tray.
These color descriptions are only an inch of the mile long road that make up the infamous eatery. There are numerous logos, signage, floors, ceilings, handle bars, and mechanics that make the colorful restaurant what it is.