Stream of Consciousness

Hilary Clinton Television Ad

So I was watching television and noticed the Hilary Clinton ad bashing the Trump campaign. Since we have been talking about rhetoric I thought I would dissect the ad and see the democratic party’s tactic to affect change in its audience.  🙂

Clinton starts off her campaign ad by appealing to the common man and woman, the middle class. The homes shown are not flashy and present a modest ideal. She knows her audience of middle class working Americans. She then presents images of children, many of different races and cultures, watching Donald Trump and his unfiltered television and radio appearances. Clinton is obviously stating, by representing multi-cultured children, that minorities should cast their vote for her because she does not discriminate. I believe that she is attempting to appeal to the pathos of an argument. She is hitting for the “think about our children” angle in order to show how Donald Trump is not a good role model for children and that they are impressionable. The sounds presented are of his campaign, his foul language, and his sexism. Hilary wants to show that these kids, focused on the campaign, are presented a poor candidate and that if he were to win, that Americans would be hurting their children’s lives more than their own. She wants to show, in reference to the title, that Trump is the worst role model for kids, with his lack of censor. She then ends the ad with her restating the point of the ad, which is to think about our children and how they will grow up with a president such as Donald Trump. The children “need to be proud of us” (in the decisions that we have made). I think that by the end of the campaign, she uses her ethos to show her qualifications, in reference to her past employment as Secretary of state. She is attempting to show the contrast between her professional and easy speaking against his barbaric and unfiltered tone. Overall the message is effective in drawing in the middle class in order to come together and create a better America for both our children and for the citizens in it.

One comment

    August 31, 2016 - 5:04 pm | Permalink

    Nice analysis. Do you think this ad is successful?

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