Literary Analysis Notes

Here’s some overview of what you need to know for the literary analysis paper.

  1. It is about the first chapter of Nella Larsen’s Quicksand.
  2. When you are writing the paper, please remember to include these things:
    1. Introduce Topic
    2. Define Terms
    3. Apply Terms
    4. Tell Why It is Important To Understand This Way
  3. Write an intoductory paragraph for your paper and post it on Engrade Discussions for Wednesday.

If you need a bit more, here are a whole bunch of resource materials on writing a literary analysis essay.

Literary Analysis Questions for 106WS

These are the questions you will need in for your Nella Larsen paper.


Some Questions Which May Help Direct Your Critical Interpretation of Literature

The following are an overview of the major critical schools, and questions from each area of literary interpretation that might be used to find meaning within a work of literature.  You may find them helpful in trying to focus your paper into a certain literary school.  Remember, they don’t exist in a vacuum.  One school may overlap another.  This is just a basic guide.


Formalist Questions:

Formalists believe you can tell the quality of the work without knowing who wrote it or when it was written.  They believe there is a universal standard of “good literature.”

1.         How do various elements of the work–plot, character, point of view, setting, tone, diction, images, symbol, etc.–reinforce its meanings?

2.         How are the elements related to the whole?

3.         What is the work’s major organizing principle?  How is its structure unified?

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I-Search Paper Information for 8 a.m. Class

This information should assist you when putting together your research paper.  Remember the deadlines which are approaching!

  • Annotated Bibliography Due:  Today!  Friday, March 30 to Engrade.
  • First Section Rough Draft:  Monday, April 2nd to Response Group.
  • Second Section Rough Draft:  Friday, April 6.
  • Third Section Rough Draft:  Monday, April 9
  • Rough Draft, Entire Paper:  Friday, April 13
  • Final Draft, Entire Paper:  Monday, April 16

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Completing an Annotated Bibliography

This is what you need to know about writing an annotated bibliography for Dr. K:

  1. The annotated bibliography is a TOOL to help you with your research.  Don’t just write something because you think I want to see it.  Write it because it will help you organize your research!!
  2. The annotated bibliography consists of THREE parts.  Don’t forget any of those parts if you want full credit:  Bibliographic Information, Short Summary (1-2 sentences), short explanation of how you will use the information in your paper (1-2 sentences).
  3. The annotated bibliography will provide a structure for using sources in your paper.  More on this later!

Spring Break!

[youtube=]As you are probably all aware, I will be working very hard to get all your essays graded and my work caught up so that I can give you all midterm grades that mean something.

Meanwhile, there are a few things you should be working on as well . . .

English 106 non-WISE (8 a.m.)

Please complete a rough draft of your Argument Essay for Monday, March 12th.  We will be working on a peer response of your paper.  It is important that you have a rough draft in hand on that morning!

English 106 WISE (10, 11, 1)

You need to complete a rough draft of your annotated bibliography for your cultural analysis paper.  We will be doing a peer review on Monday, March 12th.

Have fun!  Be safe!

Argumentative Essay for Standard (non-WISE) English 106


My dear English 106 Students,

I wanted to reflect upon what I said today in class, give you some websites to help you with the argumentative essay, and remind you that I will be in my office from 8:30 a.m.  until 1:30 p.m. for private conferences with my students.  Please stop by if you want some extra help!

The argumentative essay is difficult because you have to anticipate the arguments against you as you write your paper.  Make sure you do the following: Continue reading

Get that Project Done!!!

It’s Hammer Time for WISE 106!


Group Projects should be UPLOADED to your WordPress e-Portfolio and ready to go.  And, once you are done with that . . . you need to work on your research paper.


Homework for Wednesday

I hope you all enjoyed the punctuation lecture . . . I know I did.  Wow, can anyone have more fun with grammar than me?

OK, so onto the good stuff.  If you are in my regular 106 (8 a.m.), you need to get that Cause and Effect intro done for discussion on Wednesday.

For those of you in my WISE classes . . . please read this:

Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia, pages 263-71.  You will also need to Take the Quiz on Engrade (I’ll put it up later, don’t worry!).