HURRY! Get Your Work In!!!

Hurry 03My Dear 311 Students,

As we move closer to the end of the semester, I would like to encourage you to get your work in as soon as possible. I am working hard to make sure I keep up with your grading.I have enclosed a list of the assignments with links to where you can find their descriptions and where they needed to be turned in.Everyone should check your grades in Engrade and inform me if there is an assignment you know you posted that I have not given you credit for so that we can reconcile your grades before the end of the semester.If you need to work on your blog, please remember that the lab assistants in WISE are very knowledgeable. They can help you if I am not around.

Also, please call me if you need assistance. I want all of you to do well in my class this semester!!


Dr. K Continue reading

Reader Response Group Checklist

How Reader Response Groups Work

Preliminary Reading:  Main Respondent

Each person in the group serves as a “main respondent” for one other member of the group (i.e. the person on your left is probably your main respondent).  The main respondent carefully reads a paper and makes comments in writing.  Approximate time:  15 min. total (for all papers in the group)


  • Main Respondent makes specific remarks about particular aspects of the paper in the margin as they read.
  • Main Respondent makes general, overall, remarks about the paper in a commentary at the end of the pape

Writer Makes a Statement. Quickly let your response group know what your intentions were in writing the paper, some of the things you like about it, and some of the things you feel uncomfortable about.  Approximate Time: 1 min.

Main Respondent Gives Commentary. The main respondent reads their comments aloud to the group. Approximate Time:  3 min.

Writer invites Response.  Ask for response from each group member.  Take notes.  WRITER MUST NOT COMMENT UPON THEIR SUGGESTIONS. When the respondent is finished, say “thank you,” and move on to the next person.  Writer may only talk during this phase if a respondent asks a question.  Approximate time: 1 min.

Group Responds to Paper.  Make both specific and general comments.  Do not be afraid to agree or disagree with what the main respondent said.  Be prepared to suggest solutions to the problems encountered in the paper.  Approximate time: 5 min.

Thank your Respondents, Make a Final Comment. If the group as not responded thoroughly, this is the time to ask them specific questions.

Deadlines as the Semester End Approaches


These are the things you need to know before we get to the end of the semester.  Please remember to work on your blog!!!

  • Research Paper Rough Draft:  Monday, April 15 to Response Group (bring to class).
  • Final Draft, Entire Paper:  Sat., April 19 by midnight to Engrade Turn-In
  • Final Draft of All Essays:  Sat., April 27 by midnight.
  • Final Draft of Blog:  Sat., May 4 by midnight.
  • Everything In and Done by:  May 8

English 311 Annotated Bibliography

Assignment: Write a prospectus paragraph and a 10 source annotated bibliography on some aspect of your author or work for your final blog project.

Audiences: Anyone looking for background information on your author or work.


  • To develop your skills in using the Woodruff Library’s research tools.
  • To expand critical thinking skills by teaching how to decide upon a topic, narrow the topic into a research question, write a prospectus, and prepare research notes.
  • To provide practice in scholarly writing.


The prospectus and annotated bibliography are commonly used to propose a project and to keep the project notes organized while writing the paper.  It is important that you master the Continue reading

Deadlines and Research Paper Assignment for English 311

deadline2This information should assist you when putting together your research paper.  Remember the deadlines which are approaching!

  • Annotated Bibliography Due Friday, April 5 to Engrade Turn-ins.
  • Research Paper Rough Draft:  Friday, April 12 to Response Group (bring to class).
  • Final Draft, Entire Paper:  Sat., April 19 by midnight to Engrade Turn-In
  • Final Draft of All Essays:  Sat., April 27 by midnight.
  • Final Draft of Blog:  Sat., May 4 by midnight.
  • Everything In and Done by:  May 8

The I-Search Paper

The I-Search assignment requires that you devote time and energy into formally investigating the answer to a question which is particularly interesting to you. This paper is written in the first person (i.e. you use “I”), and it is written in three sections. Each section should be 2-3 pages Continue reading

WordPress Portfolio for 311

What should be in your Blog?

We will be creating a blog using WordPress. The Blog should serve as a place to collect and display your work from this class and others (i.e. it is a portfolio!)  If you don’t know how to get started, please see Dr. K’s “How to Get your Own Blog.”

You can add whatever you want to this blog, but I have underlined some items that MUST BE included so that I know that you know how to do them.  Underlined items are required.  Everything else is just icing on the cake!

Home Page:

Please feel to post any blog entries that you wish, but make sure you include a “sticky post” at the top of your blog that that briefly welcomes a newcomer to your website and explains its purpose.  (Dr. K will teach you how to do a sticky post!  J)

For regular blog entries, please remember that you can post more than text here—try posting video, pictures, Continue reading

Meet at Kresge Lab 3/20 & 3/22

img00029-20101021-1036My Dear Students,

We are meeting in the computer lab at Kresge Hall on March 20 and March 22 to learn WordPress.

If you already have a WordPress blog, that’s great.  We will be optimizing what you have and trying to make the best of it.

To find Kresge Lab:

  • Go to Kresge Hall.  Stand facing the building.
  • Enter the door on the left.
  • Go down the stairs.
  • Turn right, down the hall.
  • Turn right into the double doors.
  • Make an immediate, sharp, right turn into the lab.

You will need to know your sign-on information for the University Computer (i.e. the same information you use to sign-on to campus e-mail.)  You may also bring your own laptop if you wish and work in the lab (there is a table there).

Please be on time, we have a LOT to learn!!  🙂

Dr. K

Descriptive Essay Assignment for English 311

The descriptive essay is our first essay of the year because it teaches important skills in using “show-don’t-tell” when writing.  You will need this in every assignment you do!

The Assignment

Think about an object that is small enough to hold in your hand. Now spend five minutes considering all of the following:

  1. What does it look like?
  2. How heavy is it?
  3. What is it’s texture? If you ran your thumb-nail against it, what would it feel like?
  4. What does it smell like? (Everything has a smell–even a faint smell.)
  5. If you tasted it, what would it taste like?
  6. If you dropped it, what would it sound like? Does it make a sound?
  7. What are your connections to the object? How does it make you feel when you see it?

After you have a clear description of the object in a paragraph format, please post that paragraph on the WIKI.

Now, organize the essay in one of the following ways:




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Getting Started with English 311!

This is a class in Grammar and Advanced Essay Writing, so I mean to focus on both very diligently.

I want to start the class by giving you a few tools that might be helpful in your writing this year (and hopefully in the years to come!)

Ginger is a very helpful, free, grammar, spell, and style checker.

Ginger is a very helpful, free, grammar, spelling, and style checker.

The first is Ginger.  This is a program that not only checks your spelling and grammar, but also your style–and it is FREE!  I have found it very helpful in my own writing.  It requires a download in addition to adding it to the toolbar of your favorite browser, but it will check EVERYTHING you write–even Facebook posts, WIKI entries, and email.

The second suggestion is a general category  known as “mind mapping” software.  There are literally hundreds of free mind-mapping programs out there.  Here is a collection of several mind-mapping programs you can try.

In addition, you want to make sure you know how to get to my Netvibes Account, where you will find everything you need for the class, including your WIKI, Engrade, and any other important materials you need to access for the class.