In Class Writing for Reflection Paper

Your final paper for English 105WS is a reflection paper.  Here is the topic.  Please spend 30 sustained minutes writing the rough draft, and have it on computer or paper for peer response on Monday.

Think about the writing you have done this semester.  What has been the most important lesson you have learned as you have written for this class?  How has this been different from other classes you have written for?  How do you feel about yourself as a writer?

Please write 1-2 pages for the rough draft, and 2-3 pages for the final.

Morehouse Bomb Threat


Many of our classes were interrupted by the bomb threat at Morehouse college this morning.  At the time of the bomb threat, I cancelled the remaining classes for the day.  I consider your safety to be the most important issue, secondary to my class schedule–of course!

Because I cancelled class, many of you from my 11 a.m. classes and my 1 p.m. classes do not know what we are doing on Friday.

Friday will be an in-class writing day.  We will be completing the rough draft of your reflection paper at that time.  Please come to class prepared to write (bring paper or a laptop, please).

Stay safe!

Dr. K

Weekend Update!


English 105WS should be working on the rough draft of your Academic Movie Review.

The reviews are to be “academic movie reviews,” meaning that they are not to be promotions, evaluations, plain summaries of the story line, and/or a collection of unsupported personal opinions. Instead, you are to analyze an aspect of the movie.

World Literature 202

Read Edgar Allen Poe “The Raven.” (Think spooky thoughts!)

Here’s a great reading via YouTube:


Assignment Updates!


The rough draft for your movie review is not due until Monday, October 31st.  I will be adjusting the syllabus for the rest of the semester to accomodate this change.

ENGLISH 202, World Literature II

I have posted the FINAL PROJECT BLOG assignment and rubric on this blog and on the WIKI.  Please review the requirements before proceeding with your final project blog.  We will be reviewing them in class on Wednesday.

Week of October 24th

Dr. K is done with Jewish holidays until next Spring.

This will be a week of catch-up for me, and I will be issuing midterm grades this week.  (Last day for posting to Banner is October 28th).

If there are things you need to catch up on, you should be paying close attention to doing that as we move into the last part of the semester.  November will be upon us next week, and that leaves only one more month of school!

I will try to send out lists of what you are due to me at the beginning of next week.

Dr. K

As we enter into midterm week . . .


Please try to catch up with work you still need to do. The assignments for the Group Project Paper and Paper #1 are on the WIKI.  Any quizzes and/or discussions you need to do are on Engrade.

I will try my best to catch up with my grading before next week, so you should have an idea of what you grade is looking like before you head into the midterm test.

The Midterm will be a take-home test.  I will give it to you on Wednesday, and you need upload it to Engrade by Sunday morning so I can enter you Midterm grades into Banner.  Please don’t turn it in late!!


Make sure you are working on the rough draft of your Cultural Analysis paper so that I can conference with you on it during Midterm week.

Remember, you MUST sign up for a conference time on the WIKI.  Right now the WIKI is marked “private” because I don’t want anyone to be able to find your phone numbers and full names (as those are posted on the conference sign-in sheet).  So, if you haven’t joined the WIKI, you will need to do so in order to sign up for your conference.

There will be no regular class meetings during Midterm week to allow time for individual conferences.

Rememember, the Cultural Analysis has been built through a series of assignments:

1.  Prospectus Paragraph (turn in to Insite)
2.  Annotated Bibliography (rough draft 5 sources, final draft 10 sources)

  • Prospectus + 10 Sources with annotation in CMS Style
  • Two scholarly journal articles from two different  fields (e.g., history, gender studies, sociology, geography, philosophy, religion, art, anthropology, to name a few).
  • One encyclopedia entry.
  • One scholarly book.
  • One Web site.
  • + 5 more sources (your choice).

3.  Cultural Analysis Paper (rough draft due at midterm conference)

  • 1-2 pages Introduction
  • 1-2 pages Research
  • 1-2 pages Analysis (What did it all mean?)


Happy 5772!


OK, I am back from the three days of religious holidays I celebrated on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  I will be online most of today catching up with mail, grading, and trying my best to answer all your questions.

If you asked me any questions since Wednesday, I should get back to you today.


Dr. K

Annotated Bibliography Assignment for 105WS

Write the annotated bibliography:

  1. List the source in correct CMS format for sources.  Sources should be double-spaced with a hanging indent.  Sources should be organized in alphabetical order. Try an online bibliographic citation system if you’d like.
  2. Immediately following the source information, include two short paragraphs:
    • 1-2 sentences that summarize the information available in the source material, and
    • a second paragraph with a 1-2 sentence explanation about how you will use that source to answer your research question.

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