
First Homework Assignment of 2011 (Aren’t You SO Happy!!??)


Aren’t you all terribly excited to be back in school?  Here is your very first homework assignment for Spring 2011.  Please make sure you get it done!!

Dr. K

  • Purchase and Sign-up for InSite.
  • Update WordPress e-portfolio, make it private, add me as contributor.
  • Create an Avatar on Second Life.  If you need help creating the Avatar, please go to the WISE Lab and get help from the Student Assistants there.
  • Friend to “Yael Myrtle” (Dr. K) with a note telling me what your real name is and which class you are in by Tuesday, January 25.

The Great Atlanta Snowstorm


Well, most of you are doing the same thing I am doing . . . waiting for this snow and ice to melt.  It isn’t even really snow, in a proper sense, is it?  It is white ice.

My kids are dragging me out in it every day to slide down the backyard on a sled.  They are having a blast.

Meanwhile, the CAU semester classes will not start until January 19th, and my first class won’t be until January 20th.

If you are feeling academic and want to get ahead in class, you can go onto Second Life, download the program to your computer, and make an Avatar for yourself.

If you do this, please make sure you e-mail your Avatar name and password to yourself so that you don’t lose it.  Also, when you are in-world, please message me via my Second Life avatar, Yael Myrtle, and tell me what your real name is.  Then, I will have your avatar’s name and your real name so that Dr. Flowers can send you an invitation to WISE Island.

You will need an Avatar for one of our upcoming assignments, so it would be nice if you had one early.

Happy New Year!

Every year I resolve the same thing:  “I will throw away pens that no longer work.”  I know that I can keep that resolution! What are some of your resolutions for the coming year?

Discussion Board #2: 12:15 Class

Please comment on the plagiarism Article from the New York Times.  Your comments should be based upon personal experience and opinion, and should be at least 100 words long for full credit.

Discussion Board #2: 1:40 Class

Please comment on the plagiarism Article from the New York Times.  Your comments should be based upon personal experience and opinion, and should be at least 100 words long for full credit.

InSite and Rough Draft


Dear Students,

Because many of you are having such difficulty with InSite at this time, I extended the deadline for your rough draft, and will allow you to turn it in via the gmail account set up for your class.

9:25—turninmypaper9 at gmail dot com
12:15—turninmypaper12 at gmail dot com
1:40—turninmypaper1 at gmail dot com

Meanwhile, please make sure you purchase the e-book/InSite or the print book/InSite bundle from the bookstore immediately, and get registered on InSite.  Here are the directions for doing that, from Ande, the Technical director at InSite, who has graciously agreed to assist us . . . Continue reading

Welcome to English 105WS!!

I would like to take a moment to welcome you to CAU’s WISE program, and to help you become familiar with some of the technology we will be using this semester.

First, and foremost, you should become very familiar with WordPress.  WordPress is the blogging site we use to create our e-portfolios for the WISE program.  This is one example of what you can do with the blog.  You can follow the tabs above to find out more about me or to find out more information about class.

If you have facebook, you can friend my CAU Facebook account:  Michelle Kassorla

If you use Twitter, take a moment to sign up for my CAU Twitter account: DrKassorla

You can also subscribe to this blog for updates of the class.

I also have provided links to some interesting educational technology in the right-hand column of this blog.  I will update as I become aware of more programs.

I look forward to spending the semester with you, and I trust I will learn as much from you as you learn from me.