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If you are in my English 202 World Literature class, make sure you add a comment in the discussion of Engrade for Monkey. It counts for a homework grade. If you can’t find the discussion, here is how you locate it. Open and sign-in to Engrade, go to your home page and, on the left hand side, click “more.” You will see “discussion” listed there.
If you are in my English 105WS class, please go into your WordPress blog, and update the “about” section to include a picture of yourself and some information about you. You can get to the “about” page by going to your dashboard, clicking on “pages,” and hoving your cursor over “about.” Choose “edit,” and edit that page.
If you have not established your WordPress page, please see the directions posted on this blog. Also, you can go to the WISE computer lab in the basement of Kresge Hall at any time to have the staff assist you in making your blog.