
Is Your Avatar Here??

If your Avatar is not on this list, please e-mail Dr. K to let her know your Avatar’s name so you have permission to be on WISE island.

Blackchinadoll Aquilla    

Nickimonroe Lisa

Aujualeek Zeitman

Idris Lyvette

Bilal Wonder

BG Baily

BarbieElle Melody

Anngoul Arabello

Amel Delwood

Camisha Emor

Monique Houley

Milan Littleboots

Jai Actor 

Imani Avon

Nani Littleboots

Jahmi Jinx

Sunshine Pootawn         

Frizzle Avindar  

Kaishla Lexington

King Oysternatz

Kevlo Genesis

Lorin Monday

Danyella Heckelberry

Asaph Pinden

PricessQueen Fairport

Ramondria Irelund         

Chantel Magnifico

Malia Azalee

Paige Seljan       

Tre Ruby

Class Alert for Monday, Feb. 8 & Wednesday, Feb. 10


As you know if you were in class on Friday, I will be traveling to Washington D.C. on Monday and Wednesday.  Mr. Cope and/or Dr. Flowers will be covering my classes (so make sure you are there, and you are ON TIME.)

This is what will be going on next week:

Standard Classes (9 a.m. and 12 noon)

Homework for Monday:

Make sure you know what Slave Narrative you will be focusing upon for the group project.  Read some narratives HERE, write down the names of your first and second choices (just in case two of you have the same one), and be prepared to write down your choice on the list on Monday in class.  Also, please respond (in the comments section) to the New York Times article, posted directly below this one. Continue reading