
Updated Checklist for High Tech 106WS

Papers: (counts as 45% of grade)
Assignment Date   Possible
Google Maps Assignment 25 Jan   100
Short Annotated Bibliography 15 Feb   100
Short Research Paper 15 Mar   100
2nd Life Project Prospectus 26 Mar   100
Reflective Essay 28 Apr   Extra Credit
Assignments:  (counts as 25% of grade)
Assignment Date   Possible
Sent 2nd Life Pictures to My Inventory 29 Jan   Extra Credit
Civ Paper 26 Feb   100
Note Card 22 Mar   100
Worksheet for Second Life Project 24 Mar   100
ePortfolio 03 May   100
Final Project: % (counts as 20% of grade)
Assignment Date Score Possible
2nd Life Project 12 Apr 10   100
Attendance: % (counts as 10% of grade)

Vandalism on WISE Island


Yesterday, there was a serious incident of vandalism on WISE Island in Second Life.  Please see the following announcement from Dr. Flowers:

This message is intended for freshmen in the hi-tech sections. But since I don’t have you separated in that way on the four distribution lists I’m forced to use, I need to send it to everyone at once.
For the second time this semester, there’s been a serious incidence of vandalism on WISE Island. Fortunately, none of your projects were damaged.
However, the Welcome Center Ron Jackson created has been removed from the island; the beautiful plaza has been buried under a small mountain of dirt; and the bumper car track has disappeared, leaving the cars suspended in the air. Ron spent weeks of tedious, tremendously creative work on these projects, and I’m very, very sorry to see his work destroyed in this manner. Someone owes him more than an apology because what was done to his work is the equivalent of theft. Continue reading

Will Writing Be More Important or Less Important in the 21st Century?


This is a 30 minute exam for my Standard WISE classes.  Please do not spend more than 30 minutes on it .  Turn it in to the “turninmypaper” gmail account.  Please call it “In Class Essay” in your e-mail.


Dr. K

In-Class Writing Assignment


Consider Malcom X’s essay about writing, the dedication he showed to learning to write, and the significance of writing and reading in his life.  In order to grow into such an influential person in American History, Malcom X needed to know how to express himself using the written word.  Looking ahead into the rest of the 21st century, do you think writing will be more important or less important for activists in your time?  Why?  Please support your position using specific examples.

Continue reading

Weekend Assignments


Standard WISE

Read  “Coming to an Awareness of Language” by Malcolm X

We will be discussing this in class.  I will also have a short quiz to make sure you read it!

High Tech English

You must have started on your project.  If you have not been assigned a space yet, please let me know ASAP at my CAU e-mail account or via Second Life!!

What’s Due?


A lot of you don’t know that you are supposed to turn in the Self Analysis essay assignment.  This assignment (which is fully explained here), consists of three parts:  Your analysis of how the in-class essay and your revision went (first section, then a page-break), the rewritten in-class essay (second section, then a page-break), the peer-reviewed original in-class essay.  This must be turned in as ONE DOCUMENT (with page-breaks), to turninmypaper.

Also, on Friday, you will be making a presentation about what you did for your history research paper and what you did for your English research paper (sometimes they will be the same).

High Tech

Most of you have your Second Life Project Worksheet back to me with changes.  If you do not:  DO IT TODAY!!!  You need to get your project going!!!



Passover starts tonight, so I will be unavailable until Wednesday Night around 8:30 p.m.  Mr. Cope will cover most of my classes (and take roll!). 

Be there!!

I’ll see you next Monday (remember, Friday is a holiday!)

Have a good Easter!

Dr. K

Midterm Grades


Most of you got a “B” on the midterm grade.  I gave you a “B” because a lot of you had finished papers that I had returned to you to redo, and I didn’t have a grade for you.  In my High Tech class, I had enough grades compiled to give you more accurate midterm grades.

If you got a “C,” “D,” or an “F” as your midterm grade, it should be a wake-up call.  This means you need to be in class and doing the work.  I didn’t give very many of these, so it is serious.  Please make sure you make up any work you are missing and start attending class regularly.  If you don’t, you will not pass my class.

See you Monday!!

Dr. K

What’s Due Monday???


If you are in Standard Wise, you need to complete the 30 minute essay posted under “Standard Wise” and “106.”

If you are in High Tech Wise, please complete your Worksheet for the Second Life Project.

New Place to Check Grades


My dear class,

You have been so patient waiting to find out what  your grades are.  I have finally located a grading program you and I can access online.  It will prevent the problems (hopefully) that occur EVERY FINAL PERIOD when Banner goes down. 

Although I don’t have all your grades posted right now, I do have all the assignments up and in the calendar.  Grades should follow soon, and I will try to get the attendence updated as well.

Here is the Website:

Please register for an account by choosing your own username and password.  Then enter the code I gave you for the class.  It should look like this, if you didn’t get it or lost it:


(your 900 number is the “secret code”)

I hope this keeps you on top of the class for the rest of the semester! 

Sincerely,  Dr. K