
Are you a Vet? Do you want to help Habitat for Humanity Build on Feb 11?

This is a great opportunity for Perimeter College students who are Vets to get involved in your community!!

Volunteer for an Atlanta Habitat for Humanity Veterans Build

Military veterans who are students, faculty, staff and alumni at Georgia State’s Perimeter College are invited to help build an affordable home for a working family.

Atlanta Habitat for Humanity has opened 10 slots for Georgia State veterans to join the Clark Howard Veterans Build events on Feb. 4 and Feb. 11. The builds, sponsored by consumer expert and national radio show host Clark Howard, will take place in the Dixie Hills neighborhood of northwest Atlanta. Perimeter volunteers can register at

Perimeter College’s alumni staff and board embarked on a partnership with Atlanta Habitat for Humanity four years ago with long-term plans to participate in and sponsor home builds and provide support for Habitat and its families. Recent participation in the Clark Howard Habitat Builds is in keeping with that partnership.

Perimeter student and veteran Anthony B. Swift Jr. experienced his first Habitat build through Perimeter in October. He signed up in part to honor a core value he learned in the U.S. Air Force, “Service Before Self.”

“The experience affected me in a positive way because I was able to do something for someone else, and I met some really nice people,” Swift said. “I would volunteer again because I believe that we are rewarded in the long run if we help others.”

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HEY YOU, PROFESSOR! There’s some technology I want you to see . . .


One of the biggest reasons that people give me for staying away from technology in their classroom is time.  We are all pressed for time, and it is difficult to push ourselves to do one more thing.  Everyone seems to think that all technology is like Facebook–that it sucks any time you may have up into a giant vacuum of cat videos and pictures of people’s lunch.

What many don’t realize is how much time they can save by integrating just a few new tools into their daily routine.  This isn’t a post about productivity tools (although I think that is a great idea for another post), this is a post about time-saving tools for teaching. These are simple tools that may give you a few moments extra in your day.


You can save a lot of time with iCollege, as you probably already know–but there are some great tools to use in conjunction with iCollege that can make paper grading and quiz-making a lot easier.

Let’s start with a basic issue:  iCollege is GPC’s title for the Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) that was formally known as D2L.  This is important to know because if you are like me, you don’t keep 8-5 hours when creating content for your courses.  So, if you want to brush up on your D2L skills at 3 a.m. you can check out some of the free videos available on-demand from Brightspace/D2L.  Even if you don’t have the time to sit and watch videos, but some quiz won’t load, remember the resource is there, and it is as close as an internet search.

OK, now for the paper-grading tools.

Rubrics in iCollege are simple to create, and once you create them you can share them between all your classes.  They do take a few minutes to set up, but they make grading a snap, and rubric grades can be transfered directly to the gradebook.  You can even integrate course compentencies with the rubric to get the down and dirty on the skills you are teaching.

screen480x480If you have an iPad or an iPad mini, you should definitely use the Brightspace Grader app.  Once you download it onto your iPad and start using it, you will find there is nothing easier to use–and you don’t even have to be connected to the internet to use it.  You simply download your dropboxes, grade wherever you want, and upload your dropboxes when you are done.   To save time grading papers, I use this tool with rubrics and with voice comments (built in.)  That way I can talk my students through their paper–and I only spend about five minutes per essay.

Quiz Tools

If you are teaching with a lot of quizzes (Literature Instructors, take note!!), the best took I have ever used is  Quizlet is an electronic flashcard maker and study tool that a lot of the students use to prepare for classes.  If you spend a few minutes to make a quizlet “stack” of terms (or borrow them from other stacks–if you want to know how, just give me a call!), you can embed those flashcards into your iCollege easily by copy and pasting the embed code in Quizlet and pasting it into the embed code tool in iCollege.  Here is my stack for my World Lit II final:

The best part about Quizlet is the Test Creation tool.  I often create tests in Quizlet first, then enter them into iCollege by cutting and pasting them from the test I created.  It makes creating quizzes and tests easy and painless–and I can help my students study for the quizzes and tests as well.

Helping Students Read Collaboratively

integration-puzzleStudents don’t read like they should, and one way to make reading more engaging–especially when we are using eBooks, is to have them read collaboratively.  iCollege has just integrated a wonderful tool for collaborative reading called “Voicethread.”  With voicethread, you can upload a selection and have students comment in writing, voice, and even video.  It is fairly simple to learn–but if you are having trouble, GPCs Academic Technology team can get you started.  One of the best things about VoiceThread is that you can evaluate it–a nice way to keep your students on their toes!!

00000265Another tool, which is outside of iCollege, but is notable–both for its ease of use with internet resources and for its wonderfully supportive academic community, is  After you establish a Genius Account (free), just write to them at and request an educators account (also free).  Once you have your education account, you can set up classes and invite your students to annotate texts with you.  What is awesome is that, once you have an account, you can simply put “” in front of any website address, and you can annotate that page (and if you have a class account–your students can join you!!)  It opens up the entire internet for class reading and annotation!!  I simply place a link for genious on my assignment page–and we can all meet later while we read!

What are your favorite iCollege tips and tricks for saving time?  Add them in the comments!!

What’s Due?

Welcome back from your long weekend!

English 105

The Rough Draft of your Annotated Playlist (5 songs) is due to MyCompLab by tonight (Tuesday, September 4, 2012) by 11:59 p.m.

If you are having problems getting on MyCompLab, or don’t know how to upload things–find out now!  I won’t be available to help you at 11:45 p.m. when you panic.

Try getting on MyCompLab NOW and make sure you know what to do and how to do it!  Also, remember that you can communicate with your peers via MyCompLab.  Please feel free to message them if you have problems after 9 p.m. tonight.

World Literature 202

You need to read Tartuffe.  It is on our exit exam, so it is very important to read this play.  If you want to find Tartuffe resources, including e-book downloads, reading notes, and videos, go here.

Reflective Essay for 106 WISE

This is the information you need for your reflective essay.  Please keep in mind that it should be at least 2-3 pages long.


Reflective Essay

Purpose of the essay:

The WISE reflective essay is supposed to be an opportunity for you to reflect upon what you have learned this semester.  Look over your portfolio in order to refresh your memory of what you have done this semester, and consider the following: Continue reading

WISE 106 ePortfolio Requirements

E-Porfolio Requirements

The e-portfolio is your WordPress Blog. It counts toward a major part of your grade at the end of the semester. The following are the requirements for completing the portfolio assignment:
You must establish an e- portfolio and give Dr. K the address so that it is posted to her WordPress site. Please make sure that Dr. K has your portfolio link on her page!!


ePortfolio Checklist Continue reading

Literary Analysis Notes

Here’s some overview of what you need to know for the literary analysis paper.

  1. It is about the first chapter of Nella Larsen’s Quicksand.
  2. When you are writing the paper, please remember to include these things:
    1. Introduce Topic
    2. Define Terms
    3. Apply Terms
    4. Tell Why It is Important To Understand This Way
  3. Write an intoductory paragraph for your paper and post it on Engrade Discussions for Wednesday.

If you need a bit more, here are a whole bunch of resource materials on writing a literary analysis essay.