
Thursday Civ Session


I realize that your paper for CIV V in Ms. Underwood’s class is due on Friday, so my Thursday Civ session might be a little late, but please make sure you go anyways.  At that time, Dr. Flowers also wants to help you understand the new features in LIVE–including (are you paying attention) MS Office!!! Yes, that’s right, you have access to MS Office–Word, Excel, PowerPoint–all just for being a student at CAU!!

(And YES, Mac Users, it is completely compatible with your system!)

Be there Thursday!!  Lower Level Kresge Hall Computer Lab.

Dr. K

What We Are Doing Next Week


If you haven’t done so yet, please read the article from the New York Times (below) and comment on the correct discussion board for your class.

Next Tuesday, I will be in my office for conferences from 9:25 until 2:55 p.m.  My office is located in the Lower Level of Kresge hall. If I am not there, I am across the hall in the computer lab helping your fellow students, so please join me!!

If you need to catch up, you need to find out how to do something, or you just need some extra assistance, this is the perfect time to ask for help.

On Thursday, because it is the beginning of the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot, I will not be in.  However, the wonderful technical staff at the WISE Lab will be teaching you how to play Civilization V just in time for your History paper.  If you don’t have History, you still need to complete the assignment for me–sending me the stats page of your game so that I know you played a game successfully.

The technical staff also will be taking roll for me, so please make sure you are there!!

Rough Draft of Origin Stories Assignment Due on September 14!


I know that some of you do not have your InSite Code purchased as of yet.  According to Dr. Flowers, there are more than 50 e-books with InSite available at the bookstore.  Please make sure you purchase this as soon as possible.

Here is the assignment:

Origin Stories Assignment

Rough Draft Due September 14th via Insite

Peer Review Due September 16th via Insite

Final Draft Due September 28th via Insite

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Catching Up and Moving On . . .


In case you are using this three-day weekend to catch up and be ready for Tuesday, the assignments so far are these:

  1. You should establish a blog for your e-portfolio at  It is very easy to do, and your fellow students and I will help you.  Go to WordPress to get a blog.  Follow the directions there.  Then, when you establish the blog, I need you to do three things for full credit: Continue reading

Reading Assignment for Discussion Board and the Origin Stories Paper


Just so it is easier for you to find, here are the links for the reading assignment for the discussion board:

As you read, consider how are geography and culture are linked.  Enter your thoughts on the appropriate discussion board below.

Look for the right place to post on Dr. K’s Blog.  Please make sure you are posting to the right class!

Here is the link to my list of Origin Stories Websites for you to choose from for your paper, and the link for the Origin Stories Assignment.

WordPress E-Portfolio

By today’s class, you should have established at WordPress e-Portfolio.

The requirements for full credit on this assignment include:

  1. You have established a blog at WordPress e-portfolio utilizing a theme that will accept pages and subpages.
  2. You have made that blog private and included drkblog, aunderwood, and wiseqep to those allowed to view it.
  3. You have completed the “About” section with some details about you (Where are you from?  What is your major? etc.)  Please post a picture!
  4. You have established two pages on the blog–English 105WS, and History 201WS.

I will be adding the links for your blogs to my page in class on Tuesday.



Please check to see what your grade is right now for my class.  A lot of you still have work to turn in to me.  I have finished grading EVERYTHING I had at the turninmypaper address (see correct address on my blog in the right hand corner).

If you have posted work to your WordPress that I have not given you credit for, please make sure you send it to me at the turninmypaper address.

Also, if I previously returned work for you, and it isn’t listed, for some reason, on your engrade account SEND THAT GRADED PAPER TO THE TURNINMYPAPER ADDRESS ASAP!!

Also, please insure that I have your WordPress Blog posted to my links on my blog page.  This is the page I use to access those links.  If it isn’t there, you won’t get credit for your portfolio.  If you need to send me your WordPress Blog address, please e-mail it to me.

I want to make sure I have give you credit where credit is due!


Dr. K

Second Life Projects for High Tech 106WS

Due to continuing limitations on WISE Island, I am unable to access student projects.  Therefore, I will not be grading the creative portion of the Second Life Project as part of the final project grade.

However, those of you who have spent time and effort on building projects will be awarded up to 100 extra credit points (the equivalent of an entire assignment) for your efforts.  If you have done even a little work, I will award you extra credit points.

In addition, I have redistributed my grades to make the Second Life project 20% of the final grade instead of 30%. 

Please forward your research for the Second Life projects to turninmypaper.

I am sorry for this.

I will update the assignment checklist later today.


Dr. K

Checklist for Assignments

All assignments must be in to turninmypaper and POSTED TO YOUR WORDPRESS PORTFOLIO by the last day of final’s week.

Please post assignments now, whether I have graded them or not, and put the revisions in as you get your papers back.

Make sure that all of your private information on Banner is updated:  address, phone, and e-mail.  It would be wonderful if you could put your cell-phone number in the body of all the e-mail you send to turninmypaper, so I can get hold of you right away if I need to.

Have a great Summer!

Dr. K


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Second Life Projects

These are the projects I have so far.

If your avatar’s name is not on this list, contact me immediately so that I can get Dr. Flowers to assign you a space.  You should be working very hard on this project in the next two weeks.

Right now, you should be putting together an annotated bibliography of at least five sources for your project, and going on second life to find some resources to use in your project by using the “search” function.  For example, if you require a house, please search “free houses” in the search box and see if you can find an appropriate house for your project.  You can always modify the texture, etc. of the house once you have it up.

If you will need furniture or pictures, or you are planning to build some stuff, please make sure you get into the lab during the hours that our avatar staff can help you (after 2 p.m.).  You can check with the front desk for who is working, and when they are working.

Good luck everyone!

Dr. K Continue reading