
Dr. K! How do I submit my “First Week at CAU” assignment???

Many of you have noticed that you can’t upload your 105WS assignment to MyCompLab because it takes too much space.

This is not a problem!

Follow these directions:

  1. If you have a slideshow, go to and upload your project.
  2. If you have a video, go to and upload your project.
  3. Paste the URL for your slideshow or video from or into the page on MyCompLab.
  4. Hit “Submit.”
  5. Now, if you wish to share your project with your peers, please add it to the WIKI page so that they can see what you did!  🙂
  6. I will submit your grade to mycomplab after I have seen your project!  🙂

105WS: Some Updates on Assignment Deadlines and Guest Speakers!


Can’t cut the mustard? Just catch up!

I wanted to give new students to our class time to catch up with the assignments, so . . .

  1. I have reopened the Annotated Playlist Rough Draft with a deadline for September 9 at 11:59.
  2. I have extended the deadline for the peer review of the Annotated Playlist Rough Draft to September 11 at 11:59. (If you have any peer response due, please finish them up! )
  3. I have extended the deadline for the Final Draft of the Annotated Playlist to September 12 at 11:59.
  4. I have extended the deadline for the “First Week at CAU” to September 12 at 11:59. (You will find the rubric for the project under the 105WS tab!)

I have also added the FIRST WEEK AT CAU page to the WIKI so that you can add your name and a URL link or an embed of your project on the WIKI page. If you can’t upload your project to MyCompLab (which is entirely possible!), you simply enter the message “Please see my project in the WIKI” into the MyCompLap “Composing” section and submit it.  I will then look for your project on the WIKI, but issue the grade via MyCompLab.  (Make sure you do this, or I can’t enter a grade into the MyCompLab gradebook!)

Dr. Kandace Harris

Also, mark you calendars for a guest lecture by MMA Chair, Dr. Harris, on September 19th.  She will be discussing media convergence with my classes.  We are very happy to see her coming to share this important information with you.  Please be on time and show her the highest consideration!

Some Essential “Housekeeping” Assignments for Comp 105WS

I talked about a few of the things that I wanted you to do this weekend, and I promised I would post–unfortunately, I just got to posting now . . . so if you need a few extra days, no problem!

OK.  This should take very little of your time, but it is essential “housekeeping” before we can really get moving this year . . .

  1. Get MyCompLab and the e-text (available free for 17 days while you are waiting for financial aid), and finish the diagnostic tests listed on Study Plan in MyCompLab.
  2. Start working on your first project.  You will be making a video or a slide-show on the first week at CAU.  You will also be compiling an annotated music list for possible songs to go with the video/slideshow.  This isn’t due until September 10th, but it is a complicated project, so I would like you to be working on it steadily.  I am working on the specifics of the project Continue reading


I sent registration e-mails out for Engrade.  I am hoping that you received them.  If you don’t check your e-mail often, please check it and sign up.  It only takes a moment!

If you are in my English 202 class, you can’t participate in discussions for homework grades or quizzes without it.  You have a homework assignment for Monday on Engrade, so get on it!!

Homework for Monday


click for link

If you are in my English 202 World Literature class, make sure you add a comment in the discussion of Engrade for Monkey.  It counts for a homework grade.  If you can’t find the discussion, here is how you locate it.  Open and sign-in to Engrade, go to your home page and, on the left hand side, click “more.”   You will see “discussion” listed there.

If you are in my English 105WS class, please go into your WordPress blog, and update the “about” section to include a picture of yourself and some information about you.  You can get to the “about” page by going to your dashboard, clicking on “pages,” and hoving your cursor over “about.”  Choose “edit,” and edit that page.

If you have not established your WordPress page, please see the directions posted on this blog.  Also, you can go to the WISE computer lab in the basement of Kresge Hall at any time to have the staff assist you in making your blog.

Some Class Business

ENG105 classes meet at WISE computer lab in lower-level of Kresge Hall on Friday, August 26th.


I was so glad to meet most of you on Wednesday!  I am looking forward to a great semester.

I have a couple of reminders.  For both English 105 and English 202–please remember to sign up for the WIKI and fill in both the “Introduction” section and the confidential “Contact” form.  I would like to make sure I that you know how to use the WIKI, and that I know if anyone needs any special help.

Also, on the second page of my dashboard (see the tags at the top!), there is a wall for random comments.  Please feel free to post there, but keep it G-rated!

Finishing Up!


There is no final in my class, but all papers and make-up work is due by the end of final’s week.

I will e-mail the summary of your assignments (what has been turned in and what has not been turned in) by the beginning of final’s week. 

Meanwhile, you know what you did and didn’t do. Did you finish the two discussion boards?  Did you forget to send me the civilization screen shot?  What about the Google Maps pictures?  This is a very good time to SEND THEM TO ME!!!

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