
What’s Up in 105WS?

You need to get caught up before Midterms!!  These are assignments I will be including in your midterm grade:

  1. Annotated Playlist (draft, peer response, final)
  2. First Week at CAU project (make sure this is posted to MyCompLab)
  3. Feature Story (draft, peer response, final)
  4. Opinion Piece (draft, peer response)

Make sure you have PAID FOR MY COMP LAB BY OCTOBER 15TH!!  If you haven’t done it, you cannot continue in WISE classes next semester!!

Meet in the WISE Lab in Kresge Hall on Monday to learn how to use TweetDeck and Twitter professionally.

Writing Your Op/Ed Piece

You should be working on constructing a rough draft of your Opinion/Editorial piece on Technology and Education.

The Rough Draft for the work should be turned in to MyCompLab on Wednesday night, October 3, 2012.  It should be a total of 750 words when it is complete.

Here’s a video about how to write it:


Writing an Editorial

For English 105WS we will begin working on our editorial piece.  You will be writing an editorial about “Technology in the Classroom.”

Begin by watching Michael Wesch’s video, then  use one of these free mind-maps to begin mapping out how you will make an argumentative essay about technology in the classroom.  We will be discussing the way to approach an editorial on Friday.

Please save and/or do a screen shot/embed of the mind-map you make to share on the WIKI for Friday.

On Wednesday, Dr. K will be celebrating Yom Kippur, another Jewish holiday.  You will be meeting with your editorial group during class time to lay-out and publish your feature stories and post the link on the WIKI.

Be Swift! Sign up for Presentations!!

My dear, dear World Literature students . . . the time has come to sign up for your presentation, and start working toward your presentation and final project.

If you can believe it, we are moving in on our 6th week of school!  (EEK!)

You also need to establish a WordPress Blog for the final project.

After you are done with that, you might want to read Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal so that you can prepare for Friday’s class!

Publishing Your Stories on the Web

You should have finished the rough draft of your feature story in my English 105WS class, and started the peer review of your editorial group papers.

The next step in this process is to publish the work with your group.

There are a lot of ways to do this–Weebly (a website program), Microsoft Word’s Templates, or e-Zine programs are some of the ways you might publish your work.

This is a convenient list of some of the ways you might want to publish the editorial group’s work.  Scroll down to “presentation” for a list of possibilities.

My Classes on Monday, September 17th

Click picture to learn about Rosh Hashana.

Sunday night, September 16th, through Tuesday night, September 18th is the Jewish Holiday of Rosh Hashana.  Therefore, Dr. K will be “off line” from Sunday night until Tuesday night.

I have arranged for the WISE program Instructional Teaching Assistants to teach you WordPress in McPheeters-Dennis room 337 during your scheduled class time.  If, for some reason, they do not show up, please wait 10 minutes, then you can leave or stay and work on WordPress on your own, following the directions posted here.

As always, you are welcome to e-mail me or text me if you have any questions or problems.  I will answer those when the holiday concludes.

I will end with the traditional Rosh Hashana blessing for my students:

“May you be inscribed in the book of fate

for a year of health and happiness.  

May G-d Bless You and Keep You, and

Grant you the Blessings of Peace.”


Dr. K

The Feature Story

My English 105WS students should be thinking about the feature story you will write in the next week.  You are supposed to come to class on Wednesday with two good feature-story ideas you can pitch to your editorial group.

The feature story is one that employs more descriptive language, background, and “shelf-life” than a hard news story.

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke has an excellent post about  what feature stories are, some different types of feature stories, and how to write a feature story step-by-step.  You will find that post here.

To fulfill this assignment, you will write a feature story of approximately 750 words (approximately 2.5 pages).  You may include photos or illustrations if you like.

105WS Pretest

English: Diagram whose arrows represent absolu...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The WISE Program has a pretest for all freshmen in our program.  The pretest was sent out yesterday, and you have until the 17th at 9:00 a.m. to finish it.

I will award 10 extra credit points for completion of the pretest.

If you did not see the e-mail, here it is:  2012 WISE writing pre-test


Dr. K