Everybody Working for the Weekend . . .

I love stupid rock songs.  Here’s one to go with the theme for this week.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmvZnX8aUtg&w=420&h=315]

So . . . a lot of you had work due on Friday that didn’t get done.  Now you need to make it up, get caught up, and get ready for Monday!  (aren’t you excited?)

Here’s what you need to do: 

ENGLISH 106 (non-WISE)

Please make sure you revise your rough draft into a final paper.  Please take into consideration the commentary of your peer response group.

If you were not present for peer response, or didn’t have a paper for response group, please arrange (through student messaging in Engrade) to meet with others who did not participate in the response group (following my guide for response group) so that you can get a peer response on your paper.

If you were absent, you will need to provide Dr. K with a copy of your rough draft with response comments from a member of the class in order to get credit for this paper. (I’m very serious about peer response!!)

English 106WS (WISE)

Please make sure you complete the rough draft of your prospectus with annotated bibliography for Monday.  You must have at least five sources for your rough draft. Please bring that to class on Monday for peer response group.

Also, don’t forget to post your choice of Slave Narrative and your prospectus paragraph in the “discussion” section of Engrade.

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