Assignment and Rubric for Oral Presentation

The oral presentation is intended to introduce an author or literary work to the class.  The presentation should last 5-10 minutes.

Before the presentation

Go to the English 202 WIKI and post at least two websites about your author or work along with an introduction and commentary for those interested in learning about your topic.

During the presentation

Feel free to prepare a Powerpoint, Prezi, or Smartboard presentation.  (If you want the software for the Smartboard, you can download it, just let Dr. K know ahead of time and she will find the link for you.)  Do not have more than 20 words on a slide.  Please follow these guidelines.

Either e-mail your presentation to Dr. K before the class, or put the presentation on a flash drive or cloud so you can access it through the classroom computer.

After the presentation

Keep researching your topic, and make sure you keep those research sources organized.  Upload your sources into your personal Zotero account and share them on the World Literature 202 shared library.

You will be creating an annotated bibliography on some aspect of your author or work before creating your final project.

On September 17th we will be meeting in Kresge lab to create your WordPress Blog.  On October 24th we will be learning  Zotero.  If you want to learn how to do Zotero before that meeting, please let Dr. K know, and she will be happy to assist you!

Special Considerations         Each presentation should contain the following minimum information.  (You can add more!)


Name, including any pseudonyms.

Date of birth and (if appropriate) death.


What are they famous for?

Life story (especially anything that directly relates to the literature we will be reading)


Who wrote it?

When was it written?


Summary of the work.

Some background on the work (does it have a back-story?)

Rubric for Grading Oral Presentation









More information than minimum is provided.

Minimum information is provided.

Some of minimum information is missing.

Much of the minimum information is missing.

Little informa-tion was provided.

Presentation Materials


Presentation materials were well designed and helped present information.

Presentation materials were adequately designed and helped present information.

Presentation materials were not well designed and/or did not assist in presentation of information.

Presentation materials were inadequate and/or distracted from presentation.

No presentation materials were used.



Two high-quality websites were added to WIKI and comments were helpful in introducing those websites.

Two quality websites were added to WIKI and comments were helpful in introducing those websites.

Only one high-quality website, or two lesser quality websites were included or comments were missing.

Only one website was included and comments were missing.

Did not add to WIKI entries.



Presentation took place on assigned date and time.

Presentation was delayed by one day by excused absence.

Presentation was delayed by one day without excused absence

Presentation was delayed more than one day with excused absence.

Presentation was delayed more than one day without excused absence.



2 thoughts on “Assignment and Rubric for Oral Presentation

  1. Pingback: World Literature: Please Sign Up for Presentations! « Dr. K's Blog

  2. Pingback: Be Swift! Sign up for Presentations!! « Dr. K's Blog

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