We are not going to have time to do the Literary Analysis paper. I know you are disappointed, but I have to cut something because there is a new requirement for our class that I hadn’t anticipated.
We will be taking the English Department exit exam on the last day of class (April 26th). In order to prepare you for that exam, we will be going over some specific skills you may need for that exam and reviewing the English Department Exit Exam booklet, which I will be handing out in class.
The Exit Exam will not determine whether you pass English, as it does in regular English 106, but I will be giving you one quiz-grade in credit for taking the exam on the 26th. THERE IS NO MAKE UP EXAM. Please be there, on time, to to take the exam!!
Today, we will be discussing that exam in depth. Also, I will post a take-home quiz for WEB Dubois/Nella Larsen so that I can make sure you read the required assignment.