In my research I want to examine the significance of Carter G. Woodson’s narrative, “The History of the Negro Church.” How did the book help the African American community? In order to answer the question, I will look at the narrative, some news articles about the narrative, and the impact the narrative had on the Negro church. The book shows the influence of the black church in America from colonial times through the early years of the twentieth century. Beginning with early church movements in the North and efforts to minister to slaves in the South, the book describes the origins of religious instruction for a race that characterizes as “neglected” among an unenlightened colonial population. Following the Civil War, the church took on a new, more important role in the black community. Church organizations and benefactors both domestic and foreign helped establish schools and churches to educate the newly freed blacks.
Tattooing is a form of art that can be traced back to thousands of years ago. Some people believe that tattooing was discovered on accidence, by simply placing ashes or soot onto an open wound. After people realized that made a permanent mark on the skin, they continued to perform this activity to make tribal marks on the body. The body was the first canvas for art, and even after so many years have passed, tattoos are still just as popular today as they were back then. There are so many different types of tattoos, and the media frenzy surrounding tattoos it makes you wonder, why are tattoos so important to people today?
For my cultural analysis paper, I am going to be focusing on how the actor’s technique changed from silent films, “talkies”, and to now with modern films. I am going to also display how every aspect of the actors changed as time went on. I am going to also answer the questions why and how it changed and what affect it have on our culture today. To answer these questions I am going to examine books, articles and also videos to provide me with the information I need to answer why and how it changed and what affect it have on our society.
Have you ever wondered what makes a movie fantastic to watch? Well I have, and I came to the conclusion that it’s all because of the actor and the portrayal of their character that makes an already decent movie intriguing to watch. Sure some people may say that it’s the writing or the directing or even the location of the movie that makes it special, but in reality it’s up to the actor to reach the audience in such a way to make that film captivating and meaningful to the viewer. So, for my cultural analysis paper, I am going to be focusing on how the actor’s technique evolved throughout time from silent films to “talkies”, and from talkies to now, with the modern films. I am going to also answer the questions why and how it changed and what affect the change have on our culture today. To answer these questions I am going to use the internet, examine books and articles and also view videos to provide me with the information that is needed to answer why and how it changed and what affect it have on our society.
Within my research paper, I will be going in depth with nature versus nurture. Of course it is known that society itself has an effect on people, but does your neighborhood or the way you are raised define the type of person you become? I will be researching if people follow suit with the influences within their own home, whether it be positive or negative, or if they venture out into the world to find themselves.
In my research I will be talking about education within the slave community. Education wasn’t very popular among slaves since they weren’t taught any type of education. Slaves and African Americans had to find learning elsewhere and different type of ways. They would sneak and learn or have private teachers, but weren’t allowed to attend school. Fanny J. Coppin in particular was a prime example. She was born into slavery, but became free very young. She had private teachers and even attended college. She also became a prinicpal and changed the teaching techniques for better learning performance for African Americans.
I will use books, the internet, and examples of Fanny J. Coppin’s life for my research topic. I will explore how slaves attained an education and why education was so important to slaves during slavery time. Also how many slaves had no choice but to not learn any kind of educaiton and was never taught how to read or write.
Whether it’s low self-esteem, or just the urge to be respected, bullying is never the answer. Top cartoon channel Cartoon Network has been smashing commercial breaks with endless “Stop Bullying” campaign commercials and large signs in Downtown Atlanta. Believe it or not, bullying is becoming a huge problem in America and only getting worse. Between television shows and pressure to be perfect, bullying has affected us all, even young Kindergarten children and middle –aged adults. Some psychologist and researchers suggest that bullying has been going on for a while, dating back to the Holocaust against the Jews. So how does today’s bullying compare to the bullying of an entire people by one person? To answer my research question, I will use scholarly databases and articles about the holocaust and recent stories of bullying to justify the comparison.
For my cultural analysis paper I choose to research the impact that CoCo Chanel has on the history of fashion. Even though she has long been deceased; her legacy and impact on fashion still remains. Fashion itself has been a big part of woman and sometimes even men’s lives for decades. It has transformed into so many different genres or what we call styles or trends. Coco Chanel began her career as a fashion designer in 1909. She became one of the most powerful figures in the women’s liberation movement after World War I. The first time she put her theory into practice was during World War I. French women could not take over the jobs of the fighting men and still wear ornate fashion and hobble skirts. In her small shop, Chanel offered an alternative style of dress: men’s pullover sweaters, sailor jackets, and straight skirts. The new working costume was a success and signified the world. The first designer to use wool jersey in women’s wear, Chanel revolutionized the textile industry. She was also the first to make costume jewelry socially acceptable. She popularized the use of “fake” jewels by lavishly using rope upon of limitation pearls and other fake stones to enhance her simple pieces of clothing. Her style and creation of fashion trends have made such an impact on fashion itself, that she helped shape the history women’s of fashion.
In my cultural analysis paper I will be talking about education within the slave community. Education was very unfair toward slaves due to the zones and area they lived in. since they weren’t taught as well as white schools their education weren’t as high as others. African Americans had to find learning elsewhere and different type of ways. They would learn by private teachers or some didn’t attend school. Emma Crockett is a prime example. She was born into slavery, but became free later on. She had no private teachers and didn’t even attended college.changing the teaching techniques to better learning performance for African Americans.
I will use books on the board of education v.s browns, the internet, and examples of Emma Crockett’s life for my research topic. I will explore how slaves attained an education and why education was so important to slaves during slavery time. Also how many slaves had no choice but to not learn any kind of educaiton and was never taught how to read or write.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the world has experienced quite a few natural disasters caused by storms or earthquakes. In 2004, there was a tsunami in the Indian Ocean which caused the deaths of over 200,000 people. The next year, Hurricane Katrina killed almost 2000 people along the Gulf Coast of the United States, and there was a devastating earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan. Many more people were killed in 2008 when a cyclone hit Myanmar and an earthquake hit China. Then, in January of 2010, an earthquake brought death and destruction to Haiti, followed by more deaths and homelessness caused by floods and cholera.
My research topic is Haiti in 2011. I have noticed that as we go along, we forget about the most recent places that have also needed our help and we move on to more topics and don’t think about the disasters that people are still experiencing. Also, after a few months to a year, we forget about the suffering of the people who still desperately need help.
My question so far is: How is Haiti Coping with the Aftermath of the 2010 Earthquake in 2011? I say 2011 because it is a brand new year and I must admit that I myself have not thought about Haiti lately. However, after the recent tsunami in Japan, I realize that now that Japan is going to be requiring so much attention and help and we have so much interest in and profit from Japan, Haiti is going to be left with little or no help. In order to answer this question I am going to find information on how Third World countries have been affected in the past and how they have gotten along after they have been forgotten.
In order to learn about this topic, I will read books, articles, websites, and biographical sources in order to learn about past disasters that this poor country has had to cope with. I want to discover what kinds of help the people needed and how they were able to get that help or to live without it. I also will try to learn if there is anything about the character, the beliefs, or the resilience of the people of Haiti that have helped them to survive despite the devastation of their past disasters and their recent disasters.
Since the invention of the television and film, a woman’s body type has been critiqued. It has only grown worse when the “era of the model” came around. My cultural analysis essay will be on how the body image of a model changed has and what psychological effects it has had on regular women. In order to answer this question, I will look at books and articles on the affect the media has had on the models themselves. I will also look at the psychological as well as emotional and physical effects that the media has on the everyday woman.
Imagine witnessing a death in broad daylight. Now, picture the victim being the President of the United States of America being shot with a blow to the head. On November 22, 1963 our very own President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while participating in a Presidential motorcade. His assailant was found to be Lee Harvey Oswald, but the question that is still raised into today’s society was whether or not Oswald acted alone. There are multiple documentaries that are still shown involving the mystery of the late President John F. Kennedy’s death. In my research I will investigate information on others who were thought to be assailants in President Kennedy’s assassination, and motives for his assassination. In order to answer this question, I will look at books and articles about the entire case of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, his life as President, his police case, and possible assailants that are wondered about today. -Shayla Nesbitt
In my paper Im going to be writing about tattoos in the 20th century all the way to modern tattooing. How was Tattoos done in the 20th century? For me to answer the question I will be doing research on the history of tattooing. Tattoos is art on the body many cultures believe in. Many cultures marked there body with ink because either that was part of there religion or they where forced to back in the days. Tattoos are an big part of life now. Now of days focus got tattoos for no reason, just to mark their bodys to say they got an tattoo. Me, myself I have 13 tattoos but they all mean something that relates to my life and what I believe in, So what do other cultures think about tattoos?
In my research I will examine the life of Madam Cj Walker and the impact she had on African American women. After suffering from a scalp ailment that caused her to lose majority of her hair she experimented with different home remedies and store brought hair product she began to make hair growth products. She says that the formula was given to her in a dream. She began her business by selling her hair products door to door. She built her own factory and her business excelled from there and was later known as the first African American woman millionare. In What ways did Madam Cj walker impact and influenced African American woman? I will answer my question by analyzing books and articles.
The Roaring Twenties is a time period used to describe the Cultural Revolution that happened during the 1920’s. World War I recently ended and there was a happy go lucky attitude throughout the United States. With this new attitude came the boom and bust of the economy, invention of aviation and automobiles, Harlem Renaissance, and of course a change in fashion. All of these were defining moments that had a lasting effect on the United States and the world that forever changed history. In this paper I will use prior knowledge and the internet to examine how all of these significant points began and how they developed over the 20th and 21st century. In the end I will be able to determine how has the Roaring Twenties still been able to impact society today?
In my paper I am going to talk about poetry. The types of poems that exists, where poetry stands now and where is it going. How poetry is changing due to technology. Early attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle’s Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition verse form and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics. From the mid=20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language. Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects.
In my research I want to examine the significance of Carter G. Woodson’s narrative, “The History of the Negro Church.” How did the book help the African American community? In order to answer the question, I will look at the narrative, some news articles about the narrative, and the impact the narrative had on the Negro church. The book shows the influence of the black church in America from colonial times through the early years of the twentieth century. Beginning with early church movements in the North and efforts to minister to slaves in the South, the book describes the origins of religious instruction for a race that characterizes as “neglected” among an unenlightened colonial population. Following the Civil War, the church took on a new, more important role in the black community. Church organizations and benefactors both domestic and foreign helped establish schools and churches to educate the newly freed blacks.
Tattooing is a form of art that can be traced back to thousands of years ago. Some people believe that tattooing was discovered on accidence, by simply placing ashes or soot onto an open wound. After people realized that made a permanent mark on the skin, they continued to perform this activity to make tribal marks on the body. The body was the first canvas for art, and even after so many years have passed, tattoos are still just as popular today as they were back then. There are so many different types of tattoos, and the media frenzy surrounding tattoos it makes you wonder, why are tattoos so important to people today?
For my cultural analysis paper, I am going to be focusing on how the actor’s technique changed from silent films, “talkies”, and to now with modern films. I am going to also display how every aspect of the actors changed as time went on. I am going to also answer the questions why and how it changed and what affect it have on our culture today. To answer these questions I am going to examine books, articles and also videos to provide me with the information I need to answer why and how it changed and what affect it have on our society.
Have you ever wondered what makes a movie fantastic to watch? Well I have, and I came to the conclusion that it’s all because of the actor and the portrayal of their character that makes an already decent movie intriguing to watch. Sure some people may say that it’s the writing or the directing or even the location of the movie that makes it special, but in reality it’s up to the actor to reach the audience in such a way to make that film captivating and meaningful to the viewer. So, for my cultural analysis paper, I am going to be focusing on how the actor’s technique evolved throughout time from silent films to “talkies”, and from talkies to now, with the modern films. I am going to also answer the questions why and how it changed and what affect the change have on our culture today. To answer these questions I am going to use the internet, examine books and articles and also view videos to provide me with the information that is needed to answer why and how it changed and what affect it have on our society.
Within my research paper, I will be going in depth with nature versus nurture. Of course it is known that society itself has an effect on people, but does your neighborhood or the way you are raised define the type of person you become? I will be researching if people follow suit with the influences within their own home, whether it be positive or negative, or if they venture out into the world to find themselves.
In my research I will be talking about education within the slave community. Education wasn’t very popular among slaves since they weren’t taught any type of education. Slaves and African Americans had to find learning elsewhere and different type of ways. They would sneak and learn or have private teachers, but weren’t allowed to attend school. Fanny J. Coppin in particular was a prime example. She was born into slavery, but became free very young. She had private teachers and even attended college. She also became a prinicpal and changed the teaching techniques for better learning performance for African Americans.
I will use books, the internet, and examples of Fanny J. Coppin’s life for my research topic. I will explore how slaves attained an education and why education was so important to slaves during slavery time. Also how many slaves had no choice but to not learn any kind of educaiton and was never taught how to read or write.
Whether it’s low self-esteem, or just the urge to be respected, bullying is never the answer. Top cartoon channel Cartoon Network has been smashing commercial breaks with endless “Stop Bullying” campaign commercials and large signs in Downtown Atlanta. Believe it or not, bullying is becoming a huge problem in America and only getting worse. Between television shows and pressure to be perfect, bullying has affected us all, even young Kindergarten children and middle –aged adults. Some psychologist and researchers suggest that bullying has been going on for a while, dating back to the Holocaust against the Jews. So how does today’s bullying compare to the bullying of an entire people by one person? To answer my research question, I will use scholarly databases and articles about the holocaust and recent stories of bullying to justify the comparison.
For my cultural analysis paper I choose to research the impact that CoCo Chanel has on the history of fashion. Even though she has long been deceased; her legacy and impact on fashion still remains. Fashion itself has been a big part of woman and sometimes even men’s lives for decades. It has transformed into so many different genres or what we call styles or trends. Coco Chanel began her career as a fashion designer in 1909. She became one of the most powerful figures in the women’s liberation movement after World War I. The first time she put her theory into practice was during World War I. French women could not take over the jobs of the fighting men and still wear ornate fashion and hobble skirts. In her small shop, Chanel offered an alternative style of dress: men’s pullover sweaters, sailor jackets, and straight skirts. The new working costume was a success and signified the world. The first designer to use wool jersey in women’s wear, Chanel revolutionized the textile industry. She was also the first to make costume jewelry socially acceptable. She popularized the use of “fake” jewels by lavishly using rope upon of limitation pearls and other fake stones to enhance her simple pieces of clothing. Her style and creation of fashion trends have made such an impact on fashion itself, that she helped shape the history women’s of fashion.
In my cultural analysis paper I will be talking about education within the slave community. Education was very unfair toward slaves due to the zones and area they lived in. since they weren’t taught as well as white schools their education weren’t as high as others. African Americans had to find learning elsewhere and different type of ways. They would learn by private teachers or some didn’t attend school. Emma Crockett is a prime example. She was born into slavery, but became free later on. She had no private teachers and didn’t even attended college.changing the teaching techniques to better learning performance for African Americans.
I will use books on the board of education v.s browns, the internet, and examples of Emma Crockett’s life for my research topic. I will explore how slaves attained an education and why education was so important to slaves during slavery time. Also how many slaves had no choice but to not learn any kind of educaiton and was never taught how to read or write.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the world has experienced quite a few natural disasters caused by storms or earthquakes. In 2004, there was a tsunami in the Indian Ocean which caused the deaths of over 200,000 people. The next year, Hurricane Katrina killed almost 2000 people along the Gulf Coast of the United States, and there was a devastating earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan. Many more people were killed in 2008 when a cyclone hit Myanmar and an earthquake hit China. Then, in January of 2010, an earthquake brought death and destruction to Haiti, followed by more deaths and homelessness caused by floods and cholera.
My research topic is Haiti in 2011. I have noticed that as we go along, we forget about the most recent places that have also needed our help and we move on to more topics and don’t think about the disasters that people are still experiencing. Also, after a few months to a year, we forget about the suffering of the people who still desperately need help.
My question so far is: How is Haiti Coping with the Aftermath of the 2010 Earthquake in 2011? I say 2011 because it is a brand new year and I must admit that I myself have not thought about Haiti lately. However, after the recent tsunami in Japan, I realize that now that Japan is going to be requiring so much attention and help and we have so much interest in and profit from Japan, Haiti is going to be left with little or no help. In order to answer this question I am going to find information on how Third World countries have been affected in the past and how they have gotten along after they have been forgotten.
In order to learn about this topic, I will read books, articles, websites, and biographical sources in order to learn about past disasters that this poor country has had to cope with. I want to discover what kinds of help the people needed and how they were able to get that help or to live without it. I also will try to learn if there is anything about the character, the beliefs, or the resilience of the people of Haiti that have helped them to survive despite the devastation of their past disasters and their recent disasters.
Since the invention of the television and film, a woman’s body type has been critiqued. It has only grown worse when the “era of the model” came around. My cultural analysis essay will be on how the body image of a model changed has and what psychological effects it has had on regular women. In order to answer this question, I will look at books and articles on the affect the media has had on the models themselves. I will also look at the psychological as well as emotional and physical effects that the media has on the everyday woman.
Imagine witnessing a death in broad daylight. Now, picture the victim being the President of the United States of America being shot with a blow to the head. On November 22, 1963 our very own President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while participating in a Presidential motorcade. His assailant was found to be Lee Harvey Oswald, but the question that is still raised into today’s society was whether or not Oswald acted alone. There are multiple documentaries that are still shown involving the mystery of the late President John F. Kennedy’s death. In my research I will investigate information on others who were thought to be assailants in President Kennedy’s assassination, and motives for his assassination. In order to answer this question, I will look at books and articles about the entire case of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, his life as President, his police case, and possible assailants that are wondered about today. -Shayla Nesbitt
In my paper Im going to be writing about tattoos in the 20th century all the way to modern tattooing. How was Tattoos done in the 20th century? For me to answer the question I will be doing research on the history of tattooing. Tattoos is art on the body many cultures believe in. Many cultures marked there body with ink because either that was part of there religion or they where forced to back in the days. Tattoos are an big part of life now. Now of days focus got tattoos for no reason, just to mark their bodys to say they got an tattoo. Me, myself I have 13 tattoos but they all mean something that relates to my life and what I believe in, So what do other cultures think about tattoos?
In my research I will examine the life of Madam Cj Walker and the impact she had on African American women. After suffering from a scalp ailment that caused her to lose majority of her hair she experimented with different home remedies and store brought hair product she began to make hair growth products. She says that the formula was given to her in a dream. She began her business by selling her hair products door to door. She built her own factory and her business excelled from there and was later known as the first African American woman millionare. In What ways did Madam Cj walker impact and influenced African American woman? I will answer my question by analyzing books and articles.
The Roaring Twenties is a time period used to describe the Cultural Revolution that happened during the 1920’s. World War I recently ended and there was a happy go lucky attitude throughout the United States. With this new attitude came the boom and bust of the economy, invention of aviation and automobiles, Harlem Renaissance, and of course a change in fashion. All of these were defining moments that had a lasting effect on the United States and the world that forever changed history. In this paper I will use prior knowledge and the internet to examine how all of these significant points began and how they developed over the 20th and 21st century. In the end I will be able to determine how has the Roaring Twenties still been able to impact society today?
In my paper I am going to talk about poetry. The types of poems that exists, where poetry stands now and where is it going. How poetry is changing due to technology. Early attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle’s Poetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. Later attempts concentrated on features such as repetition verse form and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics. From the mid=20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language. Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects.