Welcome to English 2112 World Literature


Dear Students,

I will be using this blog to post a lot of “outside of D2L” stuff that you can access.  Some of the students in the course were not able to access D2L, so I want to make sure they don’t fall behind.  This is what we are doing this week:


Read Syllabus (official)

Read Syllabus (unofficial)

Read “European Enlightenment”

Read “Introduction to Tartuffe”

Watch Tartuffe Video While Reading the Play

Participate in Discussion=I’ll keep it open so you can do it later!

Write and turn-in Translation Paragraph: Write one well-formed, well-worded paragraph on the following: When you listened to the video while reading the play, there were times when the translation differed significantly. Identify one specific word or line that was different, and explain why you thought one translation was better than the other.

I hope this helps!!

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