I know you are exhausted. You have poured everything in your brain out on some final’s paper or math test, and now you are ready to RE-LAX! Yes! You are going to hit the beach, work on the perfect recipe for sweet tea, enjoy a few moments to catch up with old friends, and sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.
When you are done with that (it should take about a week or two), and you start thinking about next semester (because it is coming sooner than you think!), use some of your extra time to prepare yourself, digitally, for next year.
“WHAT? Dr. K, you SEEERIOUSLY can’t believe that I would spend my time getting ready for next fall? PLEEEEZE!”
Yes, I seriously think you will spend some time getting ready for next fall. I’m not suggesting some boring reading list–I am suggesting that you start preparing yourself by learning–really learning–some software that will put you ahead of your game for next year.
Here is Dr. K’s list of great things to do to get ready for next fall:
- Math Readiness: check out fastfig.com, and learn how to use it!! It is an amazing “word processor for math” that shows all the work and teaches you along the way. It’s free, of course!! (Would Dr. K suggest a program you have to pay for? Really?)
- Research Readiness: Get to know Zotero.org. It is the most powerful research tool you can ever have. When you are researching, you only have to add a resource to Zotero and you are ready to produce a bibliography or works cited in record time, in perfect style, alphabetical. It will also do citations–but you have to learn how! Learn now and save yourself endless hours of work next fall!!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BIrpXYk7M8&w=560&h=315]