What’s Due?

Welcome back from your long weekend!

English 105

The Rough Draft of your Annotated Playlist (5 songs) is due to MyCompLab by tonight (Tuesday, September 4, 2012) by 11:59 p.m.

If you are having problems getting on MyCompLab, or don’t know how to upload things–find out now!  I won’t be available to help you at 11:45 p.m. when you panic.

Try getting on MyCompLab NOW and make sure you know what to do and how to do it!  Also, remember that you can communicate with your peers via MyCompLab.  Please feel free to message them if you have problems after 9 p.m. tonight.

World Literature 202

You need to read Tartuffe.  It is on our exit exam, so it is very important to read this play.  If you want to find Tartuffe resources, including e-book downloads, reading notes, and videos, go here.

One thought on “What’s Due?

  1. Hi dr k I won’t be able to make it to class today because of sickness, and Is this annotated playlist for your wise program too? I wasn’t in class on Friday because of the same thing.

    Sent from my iPhone

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